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What happens when two drops of water meet?

What happens when two drops of water meet?

Two drops of liquid, at first separate and distinct, meet and come together to form a bigger drop. The problem of coalescence between two drops of liquid has generated a great deal of theoretical work and speculation that has been difficult to support by actual experiment.

What causes water to form into drops?

Cohesion makes a water drop a drop It turns out that this surface tension is the result of the tendency of water molecules to attract one another. The natural form of a water drop occurs during the “lowest energy state”, the state where the atoms in the molecule are using the least amount of energy.

Why did the drops of water stay on the penny as long as they did?

The cohesive force that occurs between water molecules is so strong that, at the water’s surface, it creates a “skin”, which is known as surface tension. As drops of water are added onto a penny, the adhesive force between the water and the penny keeps the water from falling off.

What happens when two drops of water meet Brainly?

When you bring two drops of water near each other and allow them to touch, they combine immediately and become one drop.

Why does water form a circle in space?

The tendency for water molecules to stick together causes it to causes spheres in space. Up there, surface tension shapes water into spheres. Magnetic-like molecules on water’s surface cause the surface to behave like an elastic skin.

What happens when you put a coin in water?

Light bends when it passes from one medium (water) into another medium of a different density (air). The light bends when it passes from water to air on top of the water. It does the same thing when it passes through the glass, making the coin appear to be closer to you. As a result, you see two images of the coin.

Why can a penny hold more drops of water than soapy water?

You should find that plain tap water produces a much larger, stable drop of water on top of the penny than the soapy water does. This is because plain tap water has higher surface tension, so the surface is “stronger” and can hold together a larger drop.

Which side of the penny holds more water?

heads side
The results indicate that when you drop water on a penny that the heads side of the penny will hold more drops (heads 23 drops, tails 18 drops).

What kind of attraction does a water drop have?

Cohesion is the attraction of like molecules to one another. In this case, the like molecules are the H20 molecules in the water drops. Surface tension is a special term we use to describe the cohesion between water molecules. Water’s cohesion and surface tension are special because of hydrogen bonds.

What are the like molecules in water drops?

In this case, the like molecules are the H20 molecules in the water drops. Surface tension is a special term we use to describe the cohesion between water molecules. Water’s cohesion and surface tension are special because of hydrogen bonds.

How to teach children to make water drops?

Demonstrate what they mean using a sponge. Tell children that they will do experiments with water drops. Pass out eyedroppers, containers of water, as well as a piece of wax paper and a paper towel. Have children make drops of water on the wax paper and the paper towel.

Why does a drop of water roll on a surface?

the drop rolls rather than slides. By way of explanation, the authors state that, “In this situation, we observe the cohesive effects of water molecules permitting a drop of liquid to form and maintain a spherical shape that will roll on a surface without breaking apart.” What does