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What are the pros of civilization?

What are the pros of civilization?

The pros of a civilization are that the economy generally is very strong and functions well, infrastructure is constantly being improved, and the society itself continues to grow and accomplish new things.

What are the disadvantages of civilizations?

We have no time to care for our soul. We have no leisure to care for the higher things of life. The artistic and cultural values of life have been thrown to the winds.

What are the positive effects of civilization?


  • Safety:
  • Technological advancement:
  • Cultural advancement:
  • Political structure:
  • Emergence of concept of trade and commerce.

What was ancient civilization like?

All these civilizations had certain features in common. They built cities and invented forms of writing. They learned to make pottery and use metals. They domesticated animals, and they created fairly complex social structures with class systems.

What is problematic about the term civilization?

Popular usage defines “civilization” along these lines: “an advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry and government have been reached.” This definition is problematic for archeologists, anthropologists, and historians, because it contains an overt value judgment that …

What was good and bad about ancient civilizations?

The new developments in society were both good and bad. Good because the diversity in knowledge, skill and thinking led to a more well-rounded society. Bad, as this often ended in gruesome conflicts.

What are the advantages of forming a civilization on a Delta?

There are many advantages of forming a civilization on a delta or near a river valley. One advantage is that there is plenty of fertile soil for farming. Hunters and gatherers needed to be able to produce their own food.

What are the advantages of a river valley civilization?

Fertile soil for farming, natural resources, travel and trade, and natural barriers are a few advantages of forming a civilization on a river valley. Two disadvantages of forming a civilization on a delta or near a river valley is over irrigation and flooding. Over irrigation creates a shortage is water.

What was a disadvantage of the Sumer civilization?

As more and more farmers irrigated their land, the water supply decreased. In Mesopotamia, this became a major source of conflict. Eventually, the dispute over water led to the downfall of Sumer. Another disadvantage is flooding.