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How is control and coordination achieved in reflex action?

How is control and coordination achieved in reflex action?

Control and coordination in reflex actions are different. Our brain is a complex centre and the communication between the thinking part of the brain and other muscles is very intense. The spinal cord sends the required signals to the muscles and the reflex action is completed.

How is a reflex action coordinated?

There are different types of neurones that work together in a reflex action. Sensory neurones send electrical impulses to relay neurones, which are located in the spinal cord. They connect sensory neurones to motor neurones. Motor neurones send electrical impulses to an effector.

What is reflex action in control and coordination?

A reflex action is a spontaneous ,automatic and mechanical response to stimulus or sudden action in response to something in the environment. For Ex:Blinking of eyes, movement of diaphragm, withdrawal of hand or foot every time when a needle or hot object is touched, sneezing, hunger etc.

How do you control reflex actions?

A reflex arc is a neural pathway that controls a reflex. In vertebrates, most sensory neurons do not pass directly into the brain, but synapse in the spinal cord. This allows for faster reflex actions to occur by activating spinal motor neurons without the delay of routing signals through the brain.

How is control and coordination achieved in such situations?

Ans. In human beings, the nervous system controls the various functions by small units called neurons. Neurons receive the information through sensory nerves and transfer them through motor nerves. Whereas, hormones coordinate the activities and growth of the body.

What is coordination and response?

Coordination  Is the process involved in the detection of stimulus and the subsequent response of the organism towards the stimulus  Involve nervous system and endocrine system.

What is reflex action which part of the nervous system controls reflex action?

Spinal cord
(a)Spinal cord controls the reflex arcs.

How is a reflex action brought about?

For example, a simple reflex arc happens if we accidentally touch something hot. Receptor in the skin detects a stimulus (the change in temperature). Sensory neuron sends electrical impulses to a relay neuron, which is located in the spinal cord of the CNS. Motor neuron sends electrical impulses to an effector.

What is reflex action give two examples of reflex action?

Reflex action – Sudden action in response to something in the environment is called reflex action. For example- When we touch a hot object, we withdraw our hand immediately without thinking. Closing of eyes, when bright light is focused show sudden response and do not involve any thinking.

Which part of the body controls reflex actions?

Answer: The reflex actions which are rapid responsea or movements to the stimulus are controlled by the SPINAL CORD and not by the brain or muscles.

How is reflex action related to voluntary action?

Reflex action is the result of the coordination of the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system. This action does not involve the brain. The pathway in which impulses travel during the reflex action is called a reflex arc. When an action is produced with the involvement of thoughts, they are called voluntary action.

Which is part of nervous system controls reflex action?

Peripheral nervous system (PNS) is a system of nerves which connect central nervous system (CNS) (includes brain and spinal cord) with other parts of the body. Reflex action is the result of coordination of spinal cord and peripheral nervous system.

Why are reflex actions important to the endocrine system?

The endocrine system secretes hormones into the bloodstream from glands throughout the body. A reflex action is an automatic and rapid response to a stimulus – we do not have to think about a response. Reflex actions minimise damage to the body from potentially harmful conditions, such as touching something hot.

Where does control and coordination take place in the human body?

Shikha Goyal. The control and coordination in human beings take place through nervous system and hormonal system which is called endocrine system. The five sense organs in our body, eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin are called receptors.