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Where do Wemmick and Herbert decide to hide Magwitch?
Summary: Chapter 45 The next day, Pip finds Wemmick, who explains that he has learned through Jaggers’s office that Compeyson is pursuing Magwitch. He says that Herbert has hidden Magwitch at Clara’s house, and Pip leaves at once to go there.
What do Pip and Herbert decide to do about the convict?
Pip is freaking out, and he and Herbert try to figure out what to do. They agree that Pip must take the convict out of England to avoid his being discovered. The convict has other plans and wants to get a fancy place to live with horses and carriages.
Who lives at Mill Pond Bank where Pip hides Magwitch?
The boarding house is in Mill Pond Bank. Pip decides to hide Magwitch under the name of Provis. He chooses Herbert’s fiancée Clara’s boarding house, because it is out of the way, near the water, and has no association with him. Clara lives with her father, who called her back from school when his health turned.
Why did Magwitch go to jail?
Later in the novel Magwitch and Compeyson are accused of putting stolen notes in circulation. In the end, Magwitch is condemned to fourteen years’ imprisonment, while Compeyson receives seven. Magwitch and Compeyson are imprisoned on the same prison ship. Magwitch attempts to kill Compeyson.
Why is Magwitch so difficult to disguise?
The convict’s name is Abel Magwitch. Why is Magwitch so difficult to disguise? he still has the coarse manners of a convict no matter what pip dresses him in.
How did Jaggers win Molly’s case?
Jaggers, tells him Molly’s history. She was charged with strangling a woman of whom she was jealous, and Mr. Jaggers got her acquitted.
How does Jaggers argue against telling the secret of Estella’s parentage does Pip agree?
In “Great Expectations” after Pip learns of Estella’s parentage, he confronts Mr. Jaggers about his having kept Estella’s identity a secret. Jaggers promises the woman that if she will give him the child he will see that it is cared for and she will be cleared.