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What is the size of ultimate Waybig?

What is the size of ultimate Waybig?

Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Waybig (Multicolor)

Product Weight 8.79 g
Product Width 18.59 cm
Product Height 5.59 cm
Product Depth 21.21 cm

How big is humungousaur?

about 60 feet
Humungousaur has the power to increase or decrease his own body size and mass. He can grow bigger up to about 60 feet at will, increasing his natural strength as he grows. He can also shrink down to about 10 feet.

Can ultimate way big fly?

Powers and Abilities Ultimate Way Big has the ability to fly. Ultimate Way Big’s cosmic rays are stronger than Way Big’s. He can produce the rays as either projectiles or as beams.

What are the DNA codes for Ben 10 Cannonbolt?

These are the working DNA codes for the ben 10 D.N.A lab at 10 Cannonbolt: swor Ben mummy: ansn Ghost freak: rsam Diamond head: taki Wildmutt: bric Ben wolf: ypet Wildvine:rame Upgrade: funa Stinkfly: aval Heatblast; kenm Xlr8: wjas Fourarms: nori Gwen: mura Vilgax; akec

What was the game Ben 10 DNA lab?

Ben 10: DNA Lab was a game on the Cartoon Network website. In this game, the player was able to take two aliens and mix them together to find out what they would look like if these two aliens became one being. The game was based on the episode Dr. Animo and the Mutant Ray, in which Ben broke the face plate of the Omnitrix,…

What kind of alien is way Big from Ben 10?

Way Big (alternatively spelled as Waybig) is the Omnitrix ‘s DNA sample of a To’kustar, a race of ultra-rare, gigantic aliens that are created in Cosmic Storms. Way Big is a white colossal humanoid creature with a large fin on his head, which is black at the front and red at the bottom.

Who is way big in Ben 10 Inspector 13?

In Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United, Way Big appeared as one of the many aliens when Ben was explaining his story to Rex. In Inspector 13, Kevin as Way Big prepared to break into the Techadon Factory before being switched into Nanomech.