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Why is my cousin always mean to me?

Why is my cousin always mean to me?

If your aunt or cousin is constantly calling out your flaws or saying negative things to you, this is a sign that they are jealous. People who are insecure about themselves try and bring others down to make themselves feel better. They will find fault in almost anything. Try not to let them get to you.

How do I delete my cousin?

Create a gentle pause in the situation or conversation. Say something like, “Hey, I have a question.” Then wait a couple of beats before starting. Acknowledge the thing your cousin is doing. Don’t bring attention to the fact that it is annoying, instead be matter of fact about it.

How do you avoid family you don’t like?

7 Strategies to Deal With Difficult Family Members

  1. Don’t try to fix the difficult person.
  2. Be present and direct.
  3. Do encourage difficult people to express themselves.
  4. Watch for trigger topics.
  5. Know that some topics are absolutely off-limits.
  6. It’s not about you — usually.
  7. Your own well-being comes first.

How do I ignore my family?

What do you do when you hate your family?

  1. Limit your time with them.
  2. Keep the conversations casual.
  3. Avoid conversations that bring up strong emotions.
  4. Leave situations that you feel are toxic.
  5. Decide how much of your life you would like to share with them.
  6. Learn how to say no to them.
  7. Learn how to stand up for yourself.

What should I do if my Cousin makes fun of Me?

Act Strong. If your cousin teases you, makes fun of you, mocks you, or embarrasses you, or even makes a low comment about you, just ignore it, and act as if you did not even hear what he / she said. Also, act like you do not care about what they said negative about you.

What to do if your cousin Wont Stop bothering you?

Tell an adult if your cousin still won’t stop bothering you. If your cousin keeps doing what they’re doing even after you ask them to stop, you might need to bring an adult into the situation. Try telling a parent or guarding what’s going on and ask for their help.

How to deal with the bossy sibling in your family?

One way to address the issue of bossiness, if it has crept into your family, is to focus on showing love to one another – redirect your family heart towards speaking words of life and encouragement for a season and I am sure you will see your sibling relationships strengthened. How do you teach your kids to encourage one another to do good works?

Is it possible to change your cousin’s behavior?

It’s not possible to change your cousin, but you can change how you react to them and make being around your cousin more bearable. In time, you might find that you don’t notice their behavior much at all.