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Can you decline work-study?

Can you decline work-study?

Students who choose not to work during the academic year can opt to decline federal work-study. They can choose instead to make up that amount through loans, savings or a nonwork-study job, among other options.

Is work-study mandatory?

No, work study is an option given to you to earn your own money towards college and lower your overall debt when you graduate. However, it is optional and not mandatory.

Is it worth it to do work-study?

While it is true that most work-study jobs are tailored for students, if you have a heavy course load and a heavy workload in those classes, you might not have enough time to do work-study. So to sum it up: Work-study is worth a try if it pays well enough and it doesn’t interfere with your studies.

What happens if I dont accept work-study?

It’s important to note that unlike a grant or student loan, you don’t receive your work-study program funds up front. Instead, your school will pay you as you work, at least monthly. This means that if you accept work-study aid but don’t get a job in the program, you won’t receive the money.

What happens to unused work-study money?

Any work-study award amount left unearned is gone. It does not carry over into your financial aid for the next program year.

Do work studies pay well?

The exact amount will depend on your school’s work-study program. Usually, the eligible amount is anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000 per year. However, you’re not guaranteed to get the full amount of money listed in the award letter. Instead, you must earn the money through part-time work.

Are work-study jobs taxed?

Are work-study earnings taxable income? Yes. Earnings from a work-study position are subject to state and federal payroll taxes.

Can you get fired from a work-study job?

​Yes. You must first terminate your current Work-Study position. Your employer must complete a Termination Notice form to document your last date of employment, pay rate, and total hours paid.

Why does work-study pay so little?

Work-study jobs typically have a strict maximum number of hours students may work in a week. Limited hours coupled with low wages can result in a paycheck that fails to offset the added burden work-study can bring.

Is work-study financial aid?

Work-study is a federal student aid program for college students with financial need that helps them get part-time jobs.

Can you work on campus without a work study?

Work-study jobs may be limited. You may still be able to work on campus without work-study if your school does not have enough work-study funds or positions to cover all on-campus student employees. Many campuses offer jobs for students with or without work-study.

Is there a downside to accepting work study?

There is no downside to accepting work/study. On the other hand if it makes you feel more comfortable, you could ask the college specifically about their policies in future years which might make you feel better about declining this year. The colleges may respond differently on work/study and the decline or don’t decline advice.

Can you make money with a work study?

While work-study is a great option to make money, many of the benefits can also be found through simply working another part-time job. If you received a work-study offer within your financial aid and don’t work in a work-study position, it just simply means you won’t earn those specific work-study funds. But you can make money in another job.

Do you get a job with federal work study?

1. Being awarded Federal Work-Study does not guarantee you a job. Accepting the Federal Work-Study funds you’re offered is just the first step. In order to receive those funds, you need to earn them, which means you need to start by finding a work-study job.