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What does it mean if something is imputed?

What does it mean if something is imputed?

transitive verb. 1 : to lay the responsibility or blame for (something) often falsely or unjustly The economic sins imputed to Tito had all been committed to a greater extent by the communist parties of neighbouring countries.—

What is the concept of imputation?

Imputation is the attributing of actions to a source: often, imputation involves actions that are criminal. Imputation takes words or actions and ties them to a person or a cause. Often, this word relates to imputations of dirty deeds, especially illegal deeds.

What is an example of impute?

For example, you might impute your ability to sing well to the thousands of dollars your parents spent in voice lessons. In other words, you name the source. You can also impute a person, like imputing to a teacher your love of learning — he or she helped you become more interested in school and your classes.

What does imputed mean in law?

1) To attach or ascribe. 2) To place responsibility or blame on one person for acts of another person because of a particular relationship, such as mother to child, guardian to ward, employer to employee, or business associates.

How do you use the word impute?

Impute sentence example I can’t believe you dared to impute my work to yourself to cover up for your laziness! The political candidate tried to impute some rather unfortunate insults to his opponent. David attempted to impute the damage of the broken window onto his innocent brother.

What is the root word of impute?

and directly from Latin imputare “to reckon, make account of, charge, ascribe,” from assimilated form of in- “in, into” (from PIE root *en “in”) + putare “to trim, prune; reckon, clear up, settle (an account),” from PIE *puto- “cut, struck,” suffixed form of root *pau- (2) “to cut, strike, stamp.” Related: Imputed; …

What is the biblical meaning of imputation?

Imputed righteousness is a concept in Christian theology proposing that the “righteousness of Christ is imputed to [believers] — that is, treated as if it were theirs through faith.” It is on the basis of Jesus’ righteousness that God accepts humans. This acceptance is also referred to as justification.

How do imputations deal with missing data?

Another common approach among those who are paying attention is imputation. Imputation simply means replacing the missing values with an estimate, then analyzing the full data set as if the imputed values were actual observed values.

How do you use imputed in a sentence?

Independent personality is never imputed to it. The calamity was imputed by the “king of Israel” to the influence of Elisha, and he ordered the prophet to be immediately put to death. His death has been falsely imputed by some historians to the caliph Suleiman.

What does imputed righteousness in the Bible mean?

What is the meaning of imputed sin?

In Reformed theology, the imputation of sin is the crediting of Adam’s sin to the account of every individual human being. A person that has sin imputed to them becomes guilty of transgression before God for being in violation to his laws and is subject to his punishments in the life hereafter.

What does the word Imputation mean in this sentence?

Definition of Imputation. the act of accusing someone. Examples of Imputation in a sentence. Without having any proof, the boy’s imputation of his girlfriend’s theft angered her because she didn’t steal anything. 🔊

What does the name impute mean?

tr.v. im·put·ed, im·put·ing, im·putes. 1. To relate (something, usually something bad) to a particular cause or source; place the fault or responsibility for: imputed the rocket failure to a faulty gasket; kindly imputed my clumsiness to inexperience. See Synonyms at attribute. 2.

What is the noun for imputation?

imputation(Noun) The act of imputing or charging; attribution; ascription. imputation(Noun) That which has been imputed or charged. imputation(Noun) Charge or attribution of evil; censure; reproach; insinuation.