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What constitutional plan was population representation?

What constitutional plan was population representation?

Virginia Plan
Introduced to the Constitutional Convention in 1787, James Madison’s Virginia Plan outlined a strong national government with three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. The plan called for a legislature divided into two bodies (the Senate and the House of Representatives) with proportional representation.

What plan was based on population?

The Virginia Plan was presented to the Constitutional Convention in 1787. The plan was a proposal for a new form of government and called for the number of votes each state received in Congress to be based on population, rather than each state receiving one vote.

What plan at the Constitutional Convention was where representation was based on population?

Great Compromise
Each state would be equally represented in the Senate, with two delegates, while representation in the House of Representatives would be based upon population. The delegates finally agreed to this “Great Compromise,” which is also known as the Connecticut Compromise.

What plan was based on the population of the state during the Constitutional Convention?

The Connecticut Compromise established a bicameral legislature with the U.S. House of Representatives apportioned by population as desired by the Virginia Plan and the Senate granted equal votes per state as desired by the New Jersey Plan.

What was the New Jersey plan based on?

The New Jersey Plan was one option as to how the United States would be governed. The Plan called for each state to have one vote in Congress instead of the number of votes being based on population. It was introduced to the Constitutional Convention by William Paterson, a New Jersey delegate, on June 15, 1787.

Why did some people want representation to be based on population?

How would states be represented in congress? Long Answer: Small states feared that if representation were based on a states population, they would never have laws made in their favor., so they wanted representation to be based on equality (AKA: 1 delegate from each state in congress).

What did the Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan have in common?

What are three things that both the Virginia and New Jersey plan have in common? Virginia representation was based on population. New Jersey representation was based on equal representation. Executive, Judicial, & Legislative.

Why did states with large populations favor the Virginia Plan?

The Virginia Plan was supported by the larger states because of the resolution for proportional representation. This meant that the more people a state has, the more representatives it gets in the legislature.

What plan was supported by the large states Why?

What plan was supported by the large states and why? The Virgina Plan. This plan was bicameral and the number of representatives was based upon population–more people=more reps=more power.

What did the New Jersey Plan want representation based upon?

The Virginia Plan wanted the representation to be based on population. The New Jersey Plan proposed that congressional representation be based on: The small states favored the New Jersey Plan so that each state should have an equal vote. How did the Great Compromise reslove this conflict?

How did the Virginia Plan change the Constitution?

The plan called for a bicameral legislature with the number of representatives for each state to be determined by the state’s population size. The Great Compromise of 1787 incorporated elements of the Virginia Plan into the new Constitution, replacing the Articles of Confederation.

How are states represented in the Constitutional Convention?

Under the bicameral system, each party would be represented in a balance of power. Each state would be equally represented in the Senate, with two delegates, while representation in the House of Representatives would be based upon population.

What was the New Jersey Plan for government?

Several plans for modifying the government were proposed by the delegates to the convention. Under the direction of delegate William Paterson, the New Jersey Plan suggested a unicameral system, in which legislators voted as a single assembly. In addition, this proposal offered each state a single vote, regardless of population size.

What did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 propose?

It proposed three branches, rather than one, and dividing Congress into two houses, both of which would be represented according to population rather than equally as in the unicameral Congress under the Articles of Confederation.