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What happened to the gold Cortes was trying to take out of Tenochtitlan?

What happened to the gold Cortés was trying to take out of Tenochtitlán?

It is said that Cortés got the gold when he sought out Aztec emperor Moctezuma for his treasure. A year after being welcomed into the capitol city of Tenochtitlán, now Mexico City, he arrested the emperor and demanded all of his gold. Cortés and his men then melted the treasure down into bars.

What was Cortés lasting effect on Tenochtitlán?

Negative Effect: Destruction of the Empire After three months of fighting, Cortes defeated the capital city of the Aztec Empire, Tenochtitlan. In 1521, smallpox decimated the population of Tenochtitlan. Two following epidemics killed 75 percent of the remaining population, according to the New World Encyclopedia.

Why did the Spanish destroy Tenochtitlán?

Before Spanish arrival however, Tenochtitlán was The Aztec Capital, Beautiful tall large Pyramids, Temples, Settlement Houses, Floating Gardens, and Canals. And the reason they destroyed Tenochtitlán Was to rebuild it to Mexico City, making most Structures within The City into Ruins or complete destruction.

What forced Cortés to leave Tenochtitlán?

On June 30, under pressure and lacking food, Cortés and his men fled the capital at night. In the fighting that ensued, Montezuma was killed—in Aztec reports by the Spaniards, and in Spanish reports by an Aztec mob bitter at Montezuma’s subservience to Spanish rule.

How much gold did Cortés steal?

As Leonardo pointed out to us, Cortés sent to Charles V a quinto real (20%) of what the Spaniards had actually received. So, very roughly, Cortés and his men got away with some 200 gold objects – a large booty, but perhaps nothing like what some have imagined over the centuries.

When was Tenochtitlán destroyed?

26 May 1521
Fall of Tenochtitlan/Start dates

What preparations did Cortes make to recapture Tenochtitlán?

Before entering the city, on November 8, 1519, Cortés and his troops prepared for battle, armoring themselves and their horses, and arranging in proper military rank. Four horsemen led the procession.

When did Cortés return Tenochtitlán?

May 1521
In May 1521, Cortés returned to Tenochtitlán, and after a three-month siege the city fell. This victory marked the fall of the Aztec empire.

How did Cortés use an ambush?

Terms in this set (4) How did Cortés use an ambush? Ambush- a surprise attack: he heard Montezuma was planning to attack, but Cortés acted first and took over the Aztec capital. Then kidnapped Montezuma. Summarize what happened when Cortés and Montezuma’s forces first met to when the Aztec Empire fell.

When did Cortes capture the emperor of Tenochtitlan?

Capture of Montezuma. The wealth of Tenochtitlan was astounding, and Cortes and his lieutenants began plotting how to take the city. Most of their plans involved capturing Montezuma and holding him until more reinforcements could arrive to secure the city. On November 14, 1519, they got the excuse they needed.

What did King cortes do with Emperor Montezuma?

Montezuma Captive. Montezuma was still allowed to see his advisors and participate in his religious duties, but only with Cortes’ permission. He taught Cortes and his lieutenants to play traditional Mexica games and even took them hunting outside of the city.

How did Hernan Cortes conquer the New World?

How Did Hernan Cortes Conquer Tenochtitlan? 1 Starting afresh in the New World. Like many men who set off to explore distant lands, Cortes was not a success back at home. 2 Into the unknown. 3 Tenochtitlan – the island city. 4 Cortes’ bloody road to power. 5 Cortes’ legacy.

Who was killed in the Battle of Tenochtitlan?

This sparked a revolt throughout the city, and many members of Cortés’s garrison were killed in retaliation. Cortés returned to the devastation at Tenochtitlán in June 1520 and immediately demanded that Montezuma quell the rebellion, but the emperor had lost respect among the people. He was either killed during the fighting or assassinated.