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Are box turtles endangered in Illinois?

Are box turtles endangered in Illinois?

Because these populations are small and isolated, this imperiled species was listed as an Illinois threatened species in 2009 (see sidebar). With 99 percent of Illinois’ original prairies destroyed, the decline in ornate box turtle num- bers is attributed to the loss of habitat.

Is owning turtles illegal?

California law makes it “unlawful to import, sell or offer for sale or distribution to the public any live turtle(s) with a carapace length of less than 4 inches. Native turtles: It is unlawful to sell, purchase, harm, take, possess, or transport any native tortoise (Gopherus). Non-natives are legal.

Are box turtles native to Illinois?

Uniquely, Eastern Box turtles can regenerate their shells. These terrestrial turtles are found in the southern half of Illinois and are fairly common throughout this range. They prefer woodland as well as marshy and grassland areas and live near streams and ponds.

Is selling box turtles illegal?

The common box turtle, however, is completely protected in the state and it is against the law to take the turtles, their eggs or body parts and sell them. Box turtles are widely captive-bred. There are 14 North American species and 12 Asian species.

Is it illegal to keep a wild turtle in Illinois?

All common snapping turtles and bullfrogs taken for personal consumption must be kept and counted in the daily catch creel or bag. No culling of these 2 species for personal consumption is permitted.

Can I buy a turtle in Illinois?

Turtle and tortoise laws and regulations for Illinois. (Emydoidea blandingii) without a permit even if legally acquired in another state. 4. There are no state requirements for a person possessing exotic species not defined as “dangerous animals.”

Is it legal to have a box turtle as a pet?

Veterinary care may also be necessary if your turtle gets sick or injured. Refer to the appropriate care sheets for your specific turtle. If kept outdoors, they can graze on natural plants and insects that are found in their pen, in addition to the food you give them.

What turtles are illegal?

It’s illegal to sell or distribute pet turtles with shells less than 4 inches long because they spread salmonella.

Can you own turtles in Illinois?

Turtles may be taken only by hand or means of hook and line. (b) Bullfrog; common snapping turtle; open season. (1) All individuals taking bullfrogs shall possess a valid sport fishing license and may take bullfrogs only during the open season to be specified by administrative rule.

Can you own a turtle?

Turtles are often marketed as low-maintenance pets, but the truth is that they need special care and a lot of room to grow. If maintained properly, however, turtles can live for decades and grow to be a foot long. That’s a lifetime responsibility that many people are not prepared to meet.

What turtles are illegal in Illinois?


  • Possession limit of legal native turtles is 8 (no more than 4 per taxa)
  • temminckii), Illinois Mud (Kinosternon flavescens), Spotted (Clemmys guttata), River Cooter (Pseudemys concinna) or Blandings.
  • (Emydoidea blandingii) without a permit even if legally acquired in another state.

Is it legal to own a turtle in Illinois?

No, you can legally own a turtle in Illinois, it all depends on the species. There are certain endangered species that are protected by the law that are illegal to own, but most of the common ones are not endangered and you can own them as pets.

Is it illegal to own more than 5 sea turtles?

If you want to own more than 5 turtle you will need a Class I Wildlife Breeder permit. It’s illegal to own any of the seven sea turtle species: Loggerhead turtles, Green sea turtles, Leatherback turtles, Hawksbill turtles, Kemp’s ridley turtles, Olive ridley turtles, and Flatback turtles.

Is it illegal to keep alligator snapping turtle in Illinois?

It is illegal to keep more than 90 days the following turtle species: 1 Alligator Snapping turtle 2 Illinois Mud turtle 3 Spotted turtle 4 River Cooter 5 Blanding’s turtle

When do you have to take turtles out of the wild?

You can take up to 5 unprotected wild turtles from the wild without a permit. Softshell turtles can be taken from the wild between July 1 and December 31, the limit is 5 turtles per day. Common Snapping turtles can be taken from the wild year round.