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Are leeches phylum platyhelminthes?

Are leeches phylum platyhelminthes?

We missed that identification by a whole PHYLUM of life – Leeches are in the Phylum Annelida, the phylum of segmented worms, including your friendly neighborhood earthworms. Flatworms belong to the Phylum Platyhelminthes.

Which phylum has earthworms and leeches?

Phylum Annelida
Phylum Annelida contains the class Polychaeta (the polychaetes) and the class Oligochaeta (the earthworms, leeches and their relatives).

Is a leech an annelid?

leech, (subclass Hirudinea), any of about 650 species of segmented worms (phylum Annelida) characterized by a small sucker, which contains the mouth, at the anterior end of the body and a large sucker located at the posterior end. All leeches have 34 body segments.

Do Platyhelminthes have a Clitellum?

Flatworms are acoelomate, triploblastic animals. These animals have well-developed neuronal and digestive systems. Some species bear a specialized band of segments known as a clitellum.

Which phylum of worms includes the leeches quizlet?

Leeches are segmented worms that belong to the phylum Annelida and comprise the subclass Hirudinea. Like the oligochaetes, such as earthworms, leeches share a clitellum and are hermaphrodites.

Are leeches amphibians?

The best-known species, such as the medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis, are hematophagous, attaching themselves to a host with a sucker and feeding on blood, having first secreted the peptide hirudin to prevent the blood from clotting.

Is leech an animal of arthropod group?

Leech and Nereis belong to phylum Annelida because they have metamerically segmented body. Hint: Arthropoda, any member of the phylum Arthropoda, the animal kingdom ‘s largest phylum, containing common forms such as lobsters, crabs, spiders, mites, flies, centipedes, and millipedes.

Is annelida more related to Arthropoda or platyhelminthes and why?

Arthropods are more distantly related to annelids and molluscs than in the above historical phylogeny. Platyhelminthes are more closely related to annelids and molluscs than in the above historical phylogeny.

Do leeches have clitellum?

As hermaphrodites, leeches have both male and female sex organs. Like the earthworms they also have a clitellum, a region of thickened skin which is only obvious during the reproductive period.

Do leeches and tapeworms belong to the annelid phylum?

Are closely related to the earthworm and are found in shallow freshwater ponds, marshes, lakes and streams. Leeches are segmented worms that belong to the phylum Annelida and comprise the subclass Hirudinea. Like the oligochaetes, such as earthworms, leeches share a clitellum and are hermaphrodites.