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Can a lotus live without water?

Can a lotus live without water?

Most people think they must have a pond to plant a sacred lotus, the truth of the matter, is that you can grow lotus outside the pond, in a flower bed or on your deck or patio! Sacred lotus do not need a pond or moving water to grow and bloom.

Do lotus plants need still water?

Lotus do not have a complicated list of requirements that are necessary to provide luxuriant growth and beautiful flowers. They just need good soil, lots of direct sunlight, very warm temperatures, regular fertilization and enough standing water to keep it from drying out.

How do I keep my lotus plant healthy?


  1. Lotus need 6 hours sun a day.
  2. Keep Lotus away from flowing water or fountains.
  3. Don’t allow your pot or bowl to freeze solid in winter.
  4. Don’t submerge the growing leaves.
  5. Re-pot your lotus in a larger container.
  6. Protect your young lotus from birds & crustaceans.
  7. Fertilize in summer.

Why is my lotus dying?

Other factors to consider if you lotus leaves exhibit distress is loss of sunlight, compacted roots, high alkalinity as well as salts left behind from fertilizers. Always place your lotus in full sun and divide your lotus every few years.

What kind of soil does a lotus plant need?

Try a mix of 80% clay or topsoil with 20% composted soil. Blend well before adding water. The bottom part of a live lotus plant including the roots is called a tuber. When you purchase a live lotus plant online or from a mail-order nursery, you will get a tuber or tubers.

How big of a container do I need to plant Lotus?

Use a water-tight container without drainage holes. This will be your planting container. Fill container with at least 4 inches of soil. Fill with enough water just to wet soil (no standing water). Gently place tuber on the surface of the wet soil.

How are lotus flowers able to survive without water?

The seeds scattered around the lake, restoring its abundance of lotus flowers. Interestingly, even if lotuses hadn’t returned, they could come back centuries later. Their seeds can survive for thousands of years without water. Lotus flowers appear most prominently in wetlands and usually grow in mud.

What should I do with my lotus plant?

Make sure your container has no drainage holes – lotus roots can easily escape through them, and since your container will be underwater, drainage is a non-issue. If you’re growing lotus plants from rhizomes, fill a container with garden soil and lightly cover the rhizomes, leaving the pointed tips slightly exposed.