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Can a Portuguese person understand Spanish?

Can a Portuguese person understand Spanish?

Despite the proximity of the two countries and how the two languages are related, it would be wrong to assume that Portuguese people speak Spanish. The two countries and languages have developed separately for centuries, after all, and most Portuguese don’t understand Spanish at all.

Is Portuguese mixed with Spanish?

It is possible to conduct a moderately fluent conversation in this way because Portuguese and Spanish are closely related Romance languages. They have almost identical syntactic structures, as well as overlapping lexicons due to cognates, which means that a single macro-grammar is produced when the two mix.

Is Portuguese the original Spanish?

Does Spanish come from Portuguese? Spanish and Portuguese are Romance languages, meaning that they both originate from Latin. Given their high level of language contact, many words in Spanish come directly from Portuguese.

Is Portuguese broken Spanish?

As Spanish and Portuguese are both Romance languages, they share similarities with the other Romance languages like French and Italian. European Portuguese sounds very different from Brazilian or African Portuguese, and people in the rest of Latin and South America all speak Spanish but with a different twist.

Is Portuguese and Spanish close?

Portuguese and Spanish share an 89% lexical similarity, meaning that there are equivalent forms of words in both languages. The same goes for polvo which means dust in Spanish but octopus in Portuguese. The written forms of Portuguese and Spanish are extremely similar.

Is Portuguese Spanish or Latino?

Presently, the US Census Bureau excludes both the Portuguese and Brazilians under its Hispanic ethnic category (Garcia).

Why is Portuguese different from Spanish?

Spanish has 5 vowel sounds, while Portuguese is leading with 9. The vowels with a nasal sound don’t found in Spanish. Portuguese has much more complex phonology than Spanish with many extra sounds. And this is the one reason that Portuguese speakers have an easier time understanding spoken Spanish than vice versa.

Is Portugal Hispanic or Latino?