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Can damaged nail matrix be repaired?

Can damaged nail matrix be repaired?

Restoration of normal nail appearance and function is best achieved by acute repair of the nail matrix. Reconstructive techniques may be used to provide a more normal-appearing nail.

What if the nail matrix is damaged?

In most cases, the nail will grow back from the area under the cuticle (the matrix). A fingernail takes about 4 to 6 months to grow back. A toenail takes about 12 months to grow back. If the nail bed or matrix was damaged, the nail may grow back with a rough or abnormal shape.

Can you reverse nail bed damage?

At Compleet Feet we treat many patients with damaged finger nails whereby trauma has damaged the nail bed. The nail plate grows distorted and lifts off before reaching the finger tip. It is very hard to repair a damaged nail bed.

What do you do when your nail bed is damaged?

Treatment of nail bed injuries

  1. removing all jewelry.
  2. washing the injured area gently with fragrance-free soap.
  3. bandaging the injury gently, if there is an open wound.
  4. applying an ice pack for about 20 minutes at a time.
  5. elevating the injured hand or foot.
  6. applying gentle compression to reduce any throbbing.

How do you destroy the nail matrix?

If you want to avoid future infection by preventing the nail from growing back, your doctor can destroy the nail matrix. This is accomplished by applying a chemical to the cuticle area after the nail plate is removed. An ointment is applied to the wound, which is then covered with gauze and tape.

How do you treat nail matrix?

It can be treated by removing your nail and trimming some of the nail matrix, which is the tissue your nail rests on. A split nail happens because your nail can’t grow over scar tissue. It’s treated by removing the nail that’s already grown and treating or removing the scar so new nail can grow properly.

What happens if the lunula is damaged?

If one damages the lunula, the nail will be permanently deformed. Even when the totality of the nail is removed, the lunula remains in place and is similar in appearance to another smaller fingernail embedded in the nail bed. In most cases, it is half-moon-shaped and has unique histologic features.

Can the nail matrix grow back?

You may notice the nail appears thicker than usual. The extent of the injury often depends on where it occurs. If you have a deep cut or trauma to the germinal matrix at the base of the nail, it’s possible the nail may never grow back.

What happens if the Lunula is damaged?

What chemical is used to destroy the nail matrix?

In order to destroy the “root” of the nail, 88% phenol is applied for approximately 60 seconds using a small spatula. A dressing (antibiotic ointment, dressing gauze and adhesive band) is applied on the toe. Postoperative pain is limited (pain on pressure or on walking), a standard painkiller is however indicated.

How do you repair a damaged nail matrix?

Treatment is by removal of nail and proper repair or grafting of the nail bed after excising the scar. If the scar involves the germinal matrix it needs a germinal matrix graft. A horizontal scar in the germinal matrix region can create a double nail. The volumes of dorsal and volar portions may vary.

When to seek treatment for toenail trauma?

If there is blunt trauma to the toenail. For example, if a heavy object has been dropped on the toe, it is best to seek treatment to rule out a fracture and treat any wound beneath the nail bed. If toenail trauma leads to severe swelling, pain, or redness of the toe.

What are the signs of fingernail cancer?

Subungual melanoma often starts as a brown or black streak under a toenail or fingernail. A person may mistake it for a bruise. The main symptoms associated with subungual melanoma are the following: A bruised nail, and dark streaks or stains on the nail with no known cause, may be signs of subungual melanoma.

How do you treat a damaged nail bed?

Take supplements daily to strengthen your nails, encourage healing and prevent future damage. Biotin, a type of vitamin B, is especially helpful at restoring damaged toenails and toenail beds, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center .