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Can I go to the doctor by myself at 17?

Can I go to the doctor by myself at 17?

In most cases, teens need permission from a parent or guardian to see a doctor or nurse practitioner. However, children age 12 and older can see a health care practitioner without parental permission for these confidential issues: Pregnancy prevention. Unwanted pregnancy.

Can a 16 year old take themselves to the doctor?

California law allows teens to receive some healthcare services without a parent/guardian present.

Can a 17 year old go to the ER alone?

When can I consent to medical treatment? There is no set age at which a young person who is under 18 can consent to medical treatment without the approval of their parents or guardian.

Can I go to the doctor without my parents?

Yep, you can totally visit a doctor without your mother. At most Planned Parenthood health centers, you can see a doctor or nurse without your parents, and the same goes for lots of other OB/GYN offices. When you call to make an appointment, the best thing to do is ask about that particular doctor’s privacy policies.

Can the doctors tell if your a virgin?

Virginity Testing: Facts versus Myths “So, doctor, can you check my daughter’s virginity? can you tell me if she is still a virgin?” No, we cannot. There is no physical sign that indicates the virginity of a woman: in fact, no physical examination will be able to evaluate the virginity of a human being, man or woman.

Can I go to the ER without my parents?

It is legal in every state to provide emergency medical care to a minor without parental consent. Minors may consent to emergency care if they have the capacity to do so. Neither parental nor patient consent or assent is needed for such care.

What is Ryan’s rule?

Ryan’s Rule is named after a young boy, Ryan Saunders, who died in a Queensland hospital in 2007. It allows parents to get their child’s care reviewed, if they think their concerns aren’t being listened to by hospital staff.

Do doctors have to tell your parents everything?

Q: Will my doctor tell my parents what we talked about? A: Your doctor will keep the details of what you talk about private, or confidential. The only times when your doctor cannot honor your privacy is when someone is hurting you or you are going to hurt yourself or someone else.

Can I go to the doctor alone at 15?

There are no laws that stop you from seeing the doctor without your parents or guardians. Before you can give your consent to medical treatment, the doctor must make sure you understand the medical advice they have given you, the consequences of any treatment and any alternative treatments that may be available.

How do you know she is virgin or not?

According to the United Nations, virginity tests are often performed by inspecting the hymen for tears or the size of its opening or inserting fingers into the vagina.

  • However, the World Health Organization states that there is no evidence that the test can prove that a woman has had vaginal intercourse or not.
  • How do I know if my daughter is still a virgin?

    There is no physical sign that indicates the virginity of a woman: in fact, no physical examination will be able to evaluate the virginity of a human being, man or woman. “What about the Hymen, doctor?” the hymen is an anatomical part, an elastic membrane in the vaginal canal.

    What states have the mature minor doctrine?

    It is a relatively new legal concept, and as of 2002 only a few states such as Arkansas and Nevada have enacted the doctrine into statute. In several other states, including Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Illinois, Maine and Massachusetts, state high courts have adopted the doctrine as law.