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Can light passes in the space write reason?

Can light passes in the space write reason?

It is empty of matter but it is not empty of electromagnetic waves and these carries energies. So it is never empty. According to general relativity, each location of spacetime is curved and these curvature explains how matter and light travel in it. Light is an electromagnetic wave like for example all the radio wave.

Can light radiate through empty space?

It is called “electromagnetic” radiation because it propagates by the interplay of oscillating electrical and magnetic fields. Electromagnetic waves all travel through empty space at the same constant speed – the velocity of light.

Why can light travel through space but sound Cannot?

Sound does not travel at all in space. The vacuum of outer space has essentially zero air. Because sound is just vibrating air, space has no air to vibrate and therefore no sound. Radio is a form of electromagnetic radiation just like light and can therefore travel through the vacuum of space just fine.

Does light occupy space?

In simple terms, light is electromagnetic radiation, and is therefore composed of photons. Photons do not have mass nor do they occupy space, therefore they are not classed as matter. It doesn’t mean that light actually IS particular in the sense of small fragments of matter.

Why does light change direction?

Light waves change speed when they pass across the boundary between two substances with a different density , such as air and glass. This causes them to change direction, an effect called refraction . the light speeds up going into a less dense substance, and the ray bends away from the normal.

Which waves can travel through empty space?

Electromagnetic waves
Electromagnetic waves differ from mechanical waves in that they do not require a medium to propagate. This means that electromagnetic waves can travel not only through air and solid materials, but also through the vacuum of space.

Can light travel through outer space?

Like other waves, light waves can travel through matter, but light waves are different from water waves and sound waves. Light from the Moon has traveled through space that contains almost no matter. In empty space, light travels at a speed of about 300,000 km/s.