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Can you have babies on Sims 2 pets Wii?
When pets are ready to breed, they’ll go into the pet house. When the female animal gets pregnant, you’ll hear the same sound that plays when a Sim conceives. She’ll be pregnant for three days before delivering, just like with Sims. The Sim’s pet may give birth to up to four puppies or kittens.
What level can Sims have a baby?
Level 11
Reach EXP Level 11 – like with marriage, there is an experience requirement before you can have a child. In this case, it unlocks at player level 11.
How do you change the gender of your baby on Sims 2?
Click the sim that you want to be the biological parent. You can choose a male or female since both sexes can become pregnant within “The Sims.” The baby will be an exact clone of the parent, but will be born the opposite gender. Click the Tombstone of Life or Death and select the “impregnate” option.
Can Sims have babies?
By default, female Sims can ‘Become Pregnant’ and male Sims can ‘Get others pregnant’, but now you can choose how your characters operate under the hood. Custom Gender Settings first become available when a Sim is in the Teen life stage, and can be edited on Teens, Young Adults, Adults, and Elders.
How do you make kittens on Sims 2?
In The Sims 2: Pets, a pet house is required. This allows the player to have the selected Sim command a pet to try to have puppies/kittens with another pet. The Sim must have a good relationship with the selected pet to successfully command it.
How do you have babies on sims 4?
In The Sims 4, babies can be produced using Try For Baby or using the computer to adopt. (Choose Household, then Adopt). Adoption costs $1,000 and the player gets to choose between a baby, toddler, and a child. You also get to pick the one you wish to adopt.
Can a Sim have a miscarriage Sims 4?
There is still a small chance that your Sims will come Home and the Baby is ok but mostly they will come back with very Sad News. Both Outcomes will affect the whole Household. The following ingame Buffs will multiplier the Miscarriage Chances. The “Red” Buffs can also trigger a Miscarriage.
Can Sims get pregnant from WooHoo?
Regular WooHoo never results in pregnancy, and Sims who are hoping to start a family in this way need to use the ‘Try for Baby’ option instead.
How do you force a pregnancy on Sims 2?
Pregnancy Cheats Press “Control” + “Shift” + “C” simultaneously. boolprop testingcheatsenabled true will allow you to right click a Sim, and produce a “tombstone of life and death”,which will then allow you to forcefully make the selected Sim pregnant. This tombstone has a ‘speed up pregnancy’ option.