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Does Jeremy ever go to Lyoko?

Does Jeremy ever go to Lyoko?

Jeremy Belpois is a member of Team Lyoko, and the brainiac always present. Jeremie has only gone to Lyoko (or attempted to) a few times because he is afraid of the scanners, despite the fact he operates them. However, he can overcome his fear if his friends and girlfriend are in danger.

Did Code Lyoko end?

November 10, 2007
Code Lyoko/Final episode date

How did they find Lyoko?

Plot. Jeremy Belpois, a 12-year-old prodigy attending boarding school at Kadic Academy, discovers a quantum supercomputer in an abandoned factory near his school. Upon activating it, he discovers a virtual world called Lyoko with an artificially intelligent girl named Aelita trapped inside it.

How old is Aelita?

Aelita is technically the oldest one in the group, (chronologically) being 22 years old at the start of the series, but due to her stay in Lyoko, she has biologically remained the age of 12 for the last 10 years.

Does William like Yumi?

In Evolution, William is clearly still in love with Yumi. He shows to be slightly seductive towards her in X.A.N.A. 2.0 by complimenting her hair and tries to give her love poems in Mutiny.

Where do you enter the code for Lyoko?

Code: Lyoko on the tower interface. Code: Lyoko is the code entered in any Tower to deactivate it. Once entered, it triggers a deactivation which stops X.A.N.A.’s attacks. Before Code Lyoko Evolution, Aelita was the only one who could enter this code.

What’s the name of the virtual world in Code Lyoko?

Lyoko (pronounced either l’yoh-koh or lee-oh-koh) is a virtual world in the French animated television series Code: LYOKO. It is contained within a supercomputer within the factory. It is divided into five separate sectors, all with their own unique features.

Why did Lyoko split the keys to lyokos?

Lyoko was later adapted to serve as a sanctuary for him and Aelita. This seems to be a result of his suspicions that someone was watching him. He split the keys to Lyoko between himself and Aelita, which would make the pair the absolute masters of Lyoko. The government eventually found him, forcing him to flee to Lyoko with Aelita.

What are the four Orignal sectors of Lyoko?

It is arguable that the four orignal sectors of Lyoko represent the four elements: the Ice Sector represents water, the Desert Sector represents fire, the Mountain Sector represents air, and the Forest Sector represents earth. This has not been directly stated in the show however.