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Does pugnacious mean friendly?

Does pugnacious mean friendly?

Frequently Asked Questions About pugnacious Some common synonyms of pugnacious are bellicose, belligerent, contentious, and quarrelsome. While all these words mean “having an aggressive or fighting attitude,” pugnacious suggests a disposition that takes pleasure in personal combat.

Is Pugnaciousness a word?

1. Warlike or hostile attitude or nature: bellicoseness, bellicosity, belligerence, belligerency, combativeness, contentiousness, hostility, militance, militancy, pugnacity, truculence, truculency.

How do you use scoff in a sentence?

He scoffed at my opinion. He scoffed at an electorate of 5,000,000. He scoffed at the idea. He always scoffs at these things.

What immutability means?

: not capable of or susceptible to change.

What are some synonyms of pugnacious?

synonyms for pugnacious

  • aggressive.
  • antagonistic.
  • argumentative.
  • bellicose.
  • brawling.
  • cantankerous.
  • chip on shoulder.
  • choleric.

What part of speech is the word pugnacious?

adjective aggressive, contentious, irritable, belligerent, combative, petulant, antagonistic, argumentative, bellicose, irascible, quarrelsome, hot-tempered, choleric, disputatious He was in a pugnacious mood when he spoke to us.

What does pacification mean?

Definition of pacification 1a : the act or process of pacifying : the state of being pacified. b : the act of forcibly suppressing or eliminating a population considered to be hostile. 2 : a treaty of peace.

How do you use zealot in a sentence?

Zealot in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The religious zealot was willing to break the law to follow his prophet’s orders.
  2. When the zealot wrote his memoir, he wrote that he fought all of his wars for his god.
  3. The security camera caught the health zealot vandalizing the soft drink manufacturer’s office.