How can you tell if someone has smallpox?
The first symptoms of smallpox include a high fever, fatigue, a headache, and a backache. After 2 to 3 days of illness, a flat, red rash appears. It usually starts on the face and upper arms, and then it spreads all over your body.
Is smallpox a notifiable disease?
Smallpox is an ‘urgent’ notifiable condition and must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services immediately by telephone upon initial diagnosis (presumptive or confirmed).
Who is responsible for testing all suspected smallpox samples in the United States?
Two secure laboratories, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the U.S. and one in Russia, are the only known holders of the smallpox virus. Smallpox is spread by droplet and aerosol; it may also be spread by direct inoculation from a lesion to an open wound or cut in the skin.
When is smallpox most contagious?
A person with smallpox is sometimes contagious with onset of fever (prodrome phase), but the person becomes most contagious with the onset of rash. At this stage the infected person is usually very sick and not able to move around in the community.
Who can be infected by smallpox?
The smallpox virus can exist only in people—not in animals. There are two main forms: The severe form (variola major) is the most common and is the one of concern.
What type of isolation is smallpox?
Isolate patients possibly infected with smallpox virus in negative-pressure rooms under airborne precautions and vaccinate them within the first 4 days after exposure. Supportive and symptomatic treatment (eg, hydration, nutrition) should be provided.
Who do you report smallpox to?
Local public health departments with jurisdiction over an area with confirmed smallpox cases will need to report information about cases to their state public health departments.