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How did ancient Roman slaves live?

How did ancient Roman slaves live?

They had to spend long hours underground in hot, cramped conditions. The mines were also unsafe and often slaves were killed in accidents. Farmers used slaves to do the hardest work on their farms like digging and ploughing. Some slaves were called public slaves; they worked for Rome.

What did Roman slaves do in the house?

Slaves were involved in a range of jobs. They did the most menial work, cleaning the house, preparing food in the kitchen, weaving cloth and dealing with animals in the stables.

Where did a poor Roman live?

Poor Romans lived in simple flats. These were called insulae . They often only contained one or two rooms. There was no running water.

How much were Roman slaves paid?

The price for a male slave in Rome at the time of Augustus has been quoted at 500 denarii. A female could go for as much as 6,000 denarii. One recorded price in Pompeii at 79 AD indicates that a slave sold for 2,500 sestertii or 625 denarii.

How did Roman slaves do the washing?

Soaping. Clothes were treated in small tubs standing in niches surrounded by low walls. The fuller stood with his feet in the tub filled with water and a mixture of alkaline chemicals (sometimes including ammonia derived from urine) and trampled the cloth, scrubbed it, and wrung it out.

Did the Romans have bedrooms?

The Roman bedroom was not, however, all public. Its main function was still to hold a bed and serve as a private space for an individual. In both societies, all dressing and grooming activities would normally have taken place here as well. Bedrooms in some Greek and Roman houses normally had small windows.

Which human trait was most valued by the Romans?

In the Republic, the most highly valued traits included a devotion to public service and military prowess, and so Republican citizens sought to project these ideals through their representation in portraiture.