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How did the North and South differ in the way they produce goods?

How did the North and South differ in the way they produce goods?

The north had a much more industrial revolutionized approach toward their lifestyle, while the south was more inclined with slave -labor. The north made a living from industrial lifestyles rapidly producing many products like textiles, sewing machines, farm equipment, and guns.

Did the north or south produce more goods?

By 1860, 90 percent of the nation’s manufacturing output came from northern states. The North produced 17 times more cotton and woolen textiles than the South, 30 times more leather goods, 20 times more pig iron, and 32 times more firearms. The North produced 3,200 firearms to every 100 produced in the South.

How did the North and South economies differ?

In the North, the economy was based on industry. In the South, the economy was based on agriculture. The soil was fertile and good for farming. They grew crops like cotton, rice, and tobacco on small farms and large plantations.

Did the South depend on the North for manufactured goods?

They thought that the South depended too much on the North for manufactured goods. Slavery allowed southern farmers to have free labor and increase their profits. It also allowed them to expand their plantations and farm more land, thus selling more crops and improving Southern economy.

What are some similarities between the northern and southern colonies?

In terms of similarities, the northern and southern colonies shared some basic structural and social institutions that were in place for much of British North America. They each would have a colonial legislature, though the details for each one would vary.

What are some of the differences between the north and the South that ultimately led to the Civil War?

For years, textbook authors have contended that economic difference between North and South was the primary cause of the Civil War. The northern economy relied on manufacturing and the agricultural southern economy depended on the production of cotton. The clash brought on the war.