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How do I reduce swelling in my knee?

How do I reduce swelling in my knee?

Ways to reduce swelling in the knee

  1. Resting. Avoid any activity that may have caused the knee to swell.
  2. Applying ice. Applying ice to the knee, for 15–20 minutes at a time, can reduce swelling.
  3. Compression.
  4. Elevating the knee.
  5. Taking anti-inflammatory medication.
  6. Doing gentle exercises.
  7. Massaging the knee.

How long does it take for knee swelling to go down?

formula, swelling often goes down in 1 to 3 days. If the swelling does not go down within a few days of starting R.I.C.E., or if swelling and pain worsen, contact a doctor. While not always necessary, over-the-counter medication may be used to relieve knee swelling and associated pain.

How do I treat a swollen knee at home?

Ice. Apply ice to the knee for 15 to 20 minutes every two to four hours for the first two to three days after a knee injury. This will help control the pain and reduce the swelling. Remember to use a towel between the ice pack and your skin to avoid damaging your skin.

Does fluid on the knee go away by itself?

Water on the knee can be temporary due to a minor injury or infection. With treatment, it’s possible that you’ll feel better within weeks. After a serious injury or joint damage, your knee may improve with treatment only to have fluid build up again.

Should I exercise if my knee is swollen?

But if you experience severe pain, swelling, or stiffness, stop exercising the affected joint and see your doctor. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , people with knee arthritis should do moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes per day, five days per week.

Should you wrap a swollen knee?

Wrap an elastic bandage around your knee to help control swelling. Make the bandage fit snugly around your knee, but not tight enough to cause pain or leg swelling. Elevation. Lying down with your knee propped up on pillows may help control pain and swelling.

What can you do if your knee is swollen?

If knee swelling is severe or problems persist despite home treatment, an individual should visit a doctor to be evaluated. Resting and icing the joint are usually the most effective things a person can do about knee swelling.

What is the best treatment for swollen knee?

Treatment for this kind of condition includes medications (pain relievers, antibiotics, corticosteroids) and surgical procedures. If a surgical operation is suggested then your doctor may aspirate the fluid on the knee and inject a corticosteroid into the knee joint to treat the swelling and inflammation.

How to make the swelling go down in the knee?

8 Home Remedies to Reduce Knee Swelling Quickly Rest. The first step is to rest the knee. Ice. Apply ice to the knee for 15 to 20 minutes every two to four hours for the first two to three days after a knee injury. Compress. Elevate. Take anti-inflammatory medications. Switch to heat. Try massage. Do knee exercises.

Should I apply heat to a swollen knee?

Although therapeutic heat can be comforting in some situations, it should not be used to help reduce swelling and inflammation. In fact, the application of heat can actually increase swelling because it increases blood flow to the joint. On the other hand, applying therapeutic cold can help reduce knee swelling.