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How do u round to nearest cent?

How do u round to nearest cent?

Rounding to the nearest cent Look at the number to the right of the full cents, if the number is five or more, increase the cents by 1. If the number is four or less, keep the cents the same. For example: Round $143.864.

What is the nearest cent?

The nearest cent would be a whole number – so you end up with no numbers after a decimal point. The basic rule is any number BELOW 5 gets rounded down. So; 5.4 rounded to the nearest whole number would be 5. And number BIGGER than 5 gets rounded up.

What is the nearest penny?

To round to the nearest cent, nearest penny, or nearest hundredth, you will need to locate the hundredths place. Then look at the digit to the right. If it is 5 or above, the number in the hundredths place will be increased by 1 and all the rest of the numbers after it are dropped.

What decimal place is the nearest cent?

Because you are working with money, you want to round to the nearest cent, which is the nearest hundredth, the second digit to the right of the decimal point. There is a 1 in the hundredths place.

What does nearest penny mean?

To round to the nearest cent, nearest penny, or nearest hundredth, you will need to locate the hundredths place. If it is 5 or above, the number in the hundredths place will be increased by 1 and all the rest of the numbers after it are dropped.

How do you round to 5 cents in Excel?

Round to nearest 5

  1. To round a number down to nearest 5: =FLOOR(A2, 5)
  2. To round a number up to nearest 5: =CEILING(A2, 5)
  3. To round a number up or down to nearest 5: =MROUND(A2, 5)

How do you round to the nearest ten cents?

Rounding to the nearest ten cents, look at the ONE-CENTS digit (the last digit). Round up or down as usual. Rounding to the nearest dollar, look at the TEN-CENTS digit (tenth of a dollar). Round up or down as usual.

How do you round decimal numbers?

There are certain rules to follow when rounding a decimal number. Put simply, if the last digit is less than 5, round the previous digit down. However, if it’s 5 or more than you should round the previous digit up. So, if the number you are about to round is followed by 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 round the number up.