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How do you dissolve a kimberlite?

How do you dissolve a kimberlite?

Instead of crushing the kimberlite rock, the kimberlite can simply be soaked in water (with appropriate added salts), using the internal forces within the kimberlite to break it apart.

Does acid affect diamonds?

In short, acids do not dissolve diamonds because there simply isn’t an acid corrosive enough to destroy the strong carbon crystal structure of a diamond. Some acids may, however, damage diamonds.

What is diamonds reaction to acid?

At room temperature, diamonds do not react with any chemical reagents including strong acids and bases. A clear, flawless, transparent diamond is completely converted to carbon dioxide; any impurities will be left as ash.

What does a diamond look like in kimberlite?

kimberlite, also called blue ground, a dark-coloured, heavy, often altered and brecciated (fragmented), intrusive igneous rock that contains diamonds in its rock matrix. It has a porphyritic texture, with large, often rounded crystals (phenocrysts) surrounded by a fine-grained matrix (groundmass).

What can destroy a diamond?

A strong object; like a hammer! a hammer can break a diamond easily. Diamonds are hard, they are known to be the hardest material on the earth but they have a crystal structure, so they can break if you hit them with the right angle!

Is diamond resistant to acid?

Diamond is crystal that is transparent to opaque and which is generally isotropic (no or very weak birefringence)….Material properties of diamond.

Solubility Resistant to acids, but dissolves irreversibly in hot steel

Does quartz react with hydrochloric acid?

Calcium carbonate reacts with an acid to produce bubbles on the surface of the crystal. To test your sample, drop dilute hydrochloric acid, lemon juice or vinegar onto the sample and watch for bubbles. Quartz does not react to a dilute acid.

Is gold found in quartz rock?

Quartz. Gold is most often found in quartz rock. When quartz is found in gold bearings areas, it is possible that gold will be found as well. Quartz may be found as small stones in river beds or in large seams in hillsides.

How do you spot a kimberlite?

How does kimberlite change from oxidized to fresh?

Fresh kimberlite is hard and a dark blue green color and as it oxidizes it becomes much softer and changes to a yellow brown. The change from oxidized to fresh kimberlite occurs at the breaker slopes in the photo of the old pit in the bottom right.

What kind of minerals are found in kimberlites?

Group-I kimberlites are of CO2-rich ultramafic potassic igneous rocks dominated by primary forsteritic olivine and carbonate minerals, with a trace-mineral assemblage of magnesian ilmenite, chromium pyrope, almandine-pyrope, chromium diopside (in some cases subcalcic), phlogopite, enstatite and of Ti-poor chromite.

How does the magma in the kimberlite pipes work?

The magma inside the kimberlite pipes acts like an elevator, pushing the diamonds and other rocks and minerals through the mantle and crust in just a few hours. These eruptions were short, but many times more powerful than volcanic eruptions that happen today.

What happens when a kimberlite crater erupts?

There the kimberlite erupts violently but briefly forming a crater and blowing fragments of kimberlite into the air and the craters are often partially filled with mixture of ejected kimberlite fragments and wall rock that falls back to surface.