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How do you explain cultural diffusion?
Cultural diffusion is the spreading out and merging of pieces from different cultures. These different cultures all have many diverse types of food, clothing and even languages that people love and enjoy every day.
What is the best example of cultural diffusion?
The definition of cultural diffusion is the spread of the beliefs and social activities of one culture to different ethnicities, religions, nationalities, etc. An example of cultural diffusion is the tradition of the German Christmas pickle becoming popular in the United States.
What is cultural diffusion simple?
Cultural diffusion describes the spread of one culture’s practices, beliefs, and/or items, like food, music, or tools. This spread can be among members of the same culture or to completely different cultures around the world.
What are two ways cultural diffusion?
There are two ways that culture can be diffused: relocation diffusion and expansion diffusion. Relocation diffusion is the spread of a trait or idea through migration of people by taking their cultures with them from one place to another.
How is cultural diffusion seen today?
Common Cultural Diffusions The spread of music throughout the world also illustrates cultural diffusion. For example, jazz started in the US as a blend of African and European musical traditions. Now, it’s enjoyed across the globe, taking on many different variations within the genre.
Which of these is the best description of cultural diffusion?
Cultural diffusion is the spread of cultural beliefs and social activities from one group of people to another. The mixing of world cultures through different ethnicities, religions, and nationalities has only increased with advanced communication, transportation, and technology.
Which is the best description of cultural diffusion?
Methods of Cultural DiffusionMethods of Cultural Diffusion 1. Direct Diffusion- direct contact between two cultures i.e trade, intermarriage, warfare. 2. Forced Diffusion/Expansion Diffusion- one culture defeats another and forces its beliefs and customs on the conquered group. 3.
How did the Spanish influence the culture of the Philippines?
The colonial reign of the Spaniards in 1570-1898 as well as the Americans in 1903-1946, resulted in the expansion of Christian values, which gave an identity to every Filipino. And the interaction with other countries’ cultures, like the ones from China, India, Indonesia and Malaysia, gave a specific Asian touch to the cultural heritage
What are the customs and customs of the Philippines?
Wearing dotted clothes and preparing round fruits on the table, which symbolize prosperity, is one of the many customs of the Filipinos.
What kind of influence did China have on the Philippines?
The advent of colonial rule in the islands marked the beginning of the Philippines as an entity, a collection of Southeast Asian countries united under Spanish Empire. Chinese influence has been felt throughout Southeast Asia through trade, specifically by the Ming dynasty and other earlier dynasties from as early as the 9th century.