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How do you make a Cartesian diver with a paper clip and a straw?

How do you make a Cartesian diver with a paper clip and a straw?


  1. Step 1: Fold straw or tubing in half and fasten. Straws: The straws are almost 6″ long.
  2. Step 2: Add weight to the diver. Pull the outside end of a paper clip out a bit.
  3. Step 3: Fill the bottle with water and test the diver.
  4. Step 4: Make a Hook Out of Straws, Paper Clips and Tape.

Will paper clips sink?

As it weighs much more than the water it is displacing, it will sink. However, the surface tension changes things for the paperclip. With the surface tension bending the water, it displaces more than half of a gram of water, allowing the paperclip to float, delicately, on the surface.

Does a straw sink or float?

Most drinking straws are made of polystyrene, which has a slightly higher density than the water in your soda. Hence, they sink. Some are made from Polypropylene, which is less dense than water, so they float.

Why is it called a Cartesian Diver?

Buoyancy: An object sinks if it is more dense than the medium it is in, and it floats if it is less dense. The Cartesian Diver, named for the scientist René Descartes who is said to have invented the toy, is an object that ordinarily floats but sinks when it is under pressure.

What do you need for a Cartesian Diver?

Materials for Cartesian Diver

  1. Empty plastic 1-liter or 2-liter bottle with a lid.
  2. Graduated pipette.
  3. Hex nut (Depending on the size of your pipette)
  4. Scissors.
  5. Optional: Sharpies to decorate your bottle and dropper.
  6. Optional: To make a squiddy diver- electrical tape and disposable plastic glove.

How do you make straws out of paper clips?

Insert one end of a paper clip into one end of a straw. Add a paper clip to the other end of the straw. Repeat until you have several straws with paper clips to use as you begin building. Connect a straw without paper clips to a straw with paper clips.

How do you make a tower out of straws?

Add a paper clip to the other end of the straw. Repeat until you have several straws with paper clips to use as you begin building. Connect a straw without paper clips to a straw with paper clips. Either leave the two connected straws in a straight line, or bend the connecting paper clip at an angle, depending upon your construction needs.

What is the purpose of a paper clip?

Paper clips, the small looped pieces of galvanized steel that are manufactured in millions every year, aren’t simply used to hold paper together; they have been known to serve a variety of different purposes, including hooks to hang things, and tools to pry things open and clean the dirt from small crevices.

What’s the best way to connect straws together?

Pinching. One effective method uses flexible straws — straws with a bend in them that allow for angles in the straw. These straws can be pinched together on one end. Slide the pinched end into the open end of another straw, then release. This method is effective and allows a variety of geometric shapes.