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How do you round to the nearest dollar?

How do you round to the nearest dollar?

When rounding to the nearest dollar, round the monetary amount up when the number to the right, immediately following the decimal point, is five or more. Keep the monetary amount the same if the number after the decimal point is four or less. In the example: $175.439 rounds down to $175 because 4 is less than 5.

What does it mean when rounding to the nearest dollar?

Answer: Round to the nearest dollar means approx value or round off value to given dollar rate. In other words, round to the nearest dollar defines converting a dollar to its nearest whole number value. Explanation: If the cents equal or exceed 50, then the whole dollar portion is increased by one.

What is 3.5 rounded to the nearest one?

For example, 3.5 becomes 4 and -3.5 becomes -4 . This is how rounding is usually performed.

How do you round to the nearest?

Look to the next smallest place value, the digit to the right of the place value you’re rounding to. For example, if you want to round to the nearest ten you’d look at the ones place. If the digit in the next smallest place value is less than five (0, 1, 2, 3, or 4), you leave the digit you want to round to as-is.

What is 19.99 rounded to the nearest tenth?

Rounding 19.99 upto one places of decimal means round to the nearest tenth place. Underling the digit in the tenths place of 19.99 gives 19.

How do you round to the nearest dollar in Excel?

To round down to the nearest specified multiple, use the FLOOR function. To round up to the nearest specified place, use the ROUNDUP function. To round up to the nearest specified multiple, use the CEILING function. To round down and return an integer only, use the INT function.

How do you round?

Here’s the general rule for rounding:

  1. If the number you are rounding is followed by 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, round the number up. Example: 38 rounded to the nearest ten is 40.
  2. If the number you are rounding is followed by 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, round the number down. Example: 33 rounded to the nearest ten is 30.

What is 3.2 rounded to the nearest whole number?

3.2 rounded off to the nearest whole number is 3.

What is 17.5 rounded to the nearest whole number?

17.5 rounds to 18 (round up because the result is an even number).

What is roundoff example?

In rounding off numbers, the last figure kept should be increased by 1 if the first figure dropped is greater than 5. For example, if only two decimals are to be kept, then 6.4872 becomes 6.49. Similarly, 6.997 becomes 7.00.