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How do you use crucially in a sentence?

How do you use crucially in a sentence?

Use “crucially” in a sentence | “crucially” sentence examples

  1. The work of the intelligence services was crucially important to victory in the war.
  2. The future of the company will depend crucially on how consumers respond.
  3. Crucially, though, it failed to secure the backing of the banks.

What does crucially mean in a sentence?

Meaning of crucially in English in a way that is extremely important or necessary: Their work is crucially important.

What is the definition of crucially?

1 : in a crucial manner. 2 : very importantly.

What is an example of crucial?

The definition of crucial is something that is essential or vitally important. An example of crucial is information that a bomb is about to go off.

What kind of word is crucially?

CRUCIALLY (adverb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What materially means?

to an important degree; considerably: Their endorsement didn’t help materially. with reference to matter or material things and conditions; physically. with regard to matter or substance as distinguished from form.

What is crucial sentence?

Vitamins are crucial for maintaining good health. It’s crucial that we arrive before 8 o’clock. Teachers are crucial to the success of the school. She played a crucial role in the meeting.

How do you use critical in a sentence?

Critical sentence example

  1. At least he didn’t look so critical now.
  2. I didn’t expect the critical infrastructure to disintegrate so fast.
  3. Her critical gaze swept over him with a frown.
  4. But he’s not in critical condition?
  5. He raised a critical eyebrow at the end of his inspection.
  6. You were in critical condition.

Is crucially an adverb?

What is a sentence for materially?

1 This would materially affect US security. 2 It is materially ahead of other countries. 3 Their comments have not materially affected our plans . 4 Materially, we are better off than ever before.

What does it mean to materially change?

The alteration of an instrument materially changes it. To be material, the change must affect an important part of the instrument and the rights of the parties to it. Any material alteration relieves the nonconsenting party of any obligation to perform according to the terms of the instrument.