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How do you use stellar in a sentence?

How do you use stellar in a sentence?

Stellar in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Because city lights make it difficult to fully enjoy the stellar beauty, stand in a dark and cloudless area to get the best stargazing experience possible.
  2. I love to go out on a clear night to gaze at the stellar formation of the Big Dipper.

What does Stellar mean in slang?

stellar Add to list Share. Meaning outstanding, wonderful, better than everything else, stellar is a word of praise or excitement.

What is a stellar person?

A stellar person or thing is considered to be very good. The French companies are registering stellar profits.

What does the word stellar mean in a sentence?

By or as by a star performer; excellent; outstanding. An example of stellar used as an adjective is stellar light which means light from the stars. An example of stellar used as an adjective is a stellar athlete which means an outstanding athlete.

Where did stellar come from?

stellar (adj.) 1650s, “pertaining to stars, star-like,” from Late Latin stellaris “pertaining to a star, starry,” from stella “star,” from PIE *sterla-, suffixed form of root *ster- (2) “star.” Meaning “outstanding, leading” (1883) is from the theatrical sense of star.

Is Stellar a girl name?

The name Stellar is a girl’s name meaning “of the stars”. This cosmological name is given to a handful of boys and girls each year in the USA.

What is the dictionary definition of the word stellar?

English Language Learners Definition of stellar. technical : of or relating to the stars. : very good. See the full definition for stellar in the English Language Learners Dictionary. Keep scrolling for more.

How does the Stellar network work to make money?

The Stellar network makes money borderless. Digital dollar tokens also mean people all over the world can own, buy, and sell the value of a dollar without themselves having a U.S. bank account. A Venezuelan can hold some of his family’s net worth in dollars.

What do you need to know about lumens in stellar?

Stellar was made to support digital representations of any currency, but it also has its own built-in token, called the lumen, created to fill a special role in the network. By design, Stellar requires that each account hold a small number of lumens at all times. This lumen requirement is modest—a few is more than enough for most accounts.

What’s the difference between a star and a Stella?

Stella, the Latin word for “star,” shines brightly in the word constellation, but “stella” words have been favored by scientists to describe earthly things as much as heavenly bodies. “Stellar” was once used to mean “star-shaped.”. That use is no longer current, but today biologists and geologists might use one…