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How do you use the word possessive?
In most cases, a possessive noun is formed by adding an apostrophe +s to the noun, or if the noun is plural and already ends in s, only an apostrophe needs to be added. In the following sentence, boy’s is a possessive noun modifying pencil: The boy’s pencil snapped in half.
What is the example of possessive sentence?
The kids are yours and mine. The house is theirs and its paint is flaking. The money was really theirs for the taking. We shall finally have what is rightfully ours.
What is a possessive person?
Being possessive means you’re being a little selfish about people or things in your life: you’re clinging to them tightly and saying “Mine!” Being possessive isn’t a good thing — possessive people are usually insecure and controlling.
What is possessiveness in love?
Possessiveness in a relationship is the deep need to hold on to a person for himself or herself only. When you do not want your partner to spend time with anyone else or even pursue interests outside the relationship, when you want all of someones attention and love.
What is a possessive girlfriend?
One of the prominent traits of a possessive girlfriend is that they want you to spend your time with them, as much as possible. Given a choice, they would never allow you to do anything else but just be with them. They start to restrict your social time and the matter could extend to your family time as well.
Can you use the word possessive in a sentence?
Pronouns are inflected for number and person, and comprise the nominative, possessive and objective cases, a few examples in each of which will be given. Yes,” answered Pilchard, with his engaging smile, and casting a possessive glance down the front of his white trousers.
When to use possessive marker in a sentence?
This transposition, common in earnest address, is due to close association of possessive adjective and noun. His eyes were an index of the man, bold and possessive and unwavering. Accentual ambiguity appears only if a strong possessive marker is inserted between se and la.
Can a noun clause be used as a possessive clause?
A noun clause may be used in any way in which a noun is used, except as a possessive. With the exception of the last page, each word is preceded by a possessive adjective or an article indicating its gender.
Do you put an apostrophe after the possessive word?
Plural possessives will just add an apostrophe after the “s” unless, of course, they are irregular. Names that end in “s” can get a little tricky but mostly come down to your preference. Now that you have a handle on possessive grammar, try possessive nouns.