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How does a draft diverter work?

How does a draft diverter work?

Draft diverters, or draft hoods, gather the exhaust gases from the flue(s) of a water heater in order to be safely vented to the exterior.

Where is the draft diverter located on a furnace?

The draft diverter, which consists of a baffle plate positioned directly above the primary flue, regulates the direction and amount of air flowing in and out of the burner.

What type of furnace has a draft diverter?

Low-Efficiency Furnaces (Less than 78%) Older style furnaces can be called draft-hood furnaces because they draw combustion and dilution air from the room in which they are located; the dilution air enters through a draft hood (also called a draft diverter).

What is the purpose of a draft?

The federal government uses the draft to find eligible men to serve in the United States armed forces. This usually happens if the armed forces are not large enough to provide the necessary number of soldiers to fight a war.

What is the purpose of the draft diverter on natural draft units?

What is the purpose of the draft diverter on natural-draft units? to restrict the return flow of air into the combustion chamber from the vent line or the entry of free gas from the dilution line of the gases.

What is the purpose of the draft diverter on a natural draft unit?

The operation of a fireplace or furnace depends on a draft diverter. The draft diverter is situated above the primary flue and regulates the direction and amount of air flowing in and out of the burner.

What is a natural draft furnace?

A natural draft furnace is one that uses natural atmospheric pressure to force the waste gasses of combustion out through the ventilation system. As the fuel in the furnace burns, it creates hot air as well as combustion byproducts, such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide.

What is draft Bank?

Bank drafts—also called banker’s drafts, bank check, or teller’s check—are just like cashier’s checks. They are secure payment options that are guaranteed by the issuing bank—in many cases, for a large amount of money.

What qualifies you for the draft?

Almost all men ages 18-25 who are U.S. citizens or are immigrants living in the U.S. are required to register with Selective Service. Citizens must register within 30 days of turning 18. Immigrants must register within 30 days of arriving in the U.S.