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How does a garter snake survive?
To survive the winter, garter snakes will find a safe and snug place underground. They may look for a natural cavity or use a rodent burrow. They may travel long distances to an established hibernation spot, or a hibernaculum, to overwinter with up to hundreds of other garter snakes or even snakes of different species.
How do garter snakes adapt?
A snake’s main adaptation is its very form. With no legs, arms, ears and other appendages, it can slither through grass or among rocks without causing disturbance that might frighten prey. It can enter narrow holes in the ground made by rodents, find those rodents and eat them.
How do garter snakes protect themselves?
Some species of Garter snakes are even proficient swimmers. Whenever a Garter snake feels threatened, they produce a foul-smelling musk. They use this odor to defend themselves against predators. This musk comes in handy because the Garter snake has many predators.
Do garter snakes live in grasslands?
Garter snakes are present throughout most of North America. Garter snakes live in a variety of habitats, including forests, woodlands, fields, grasslands and lawns, but never far from water, often an adjacent wetland, stream or pond. This reflects the fact that amphibians are a large part of their diet.
Can garter snakes survive in water?
The aquatic garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis) is a small snake that likes to live in or near water. The snake aquatic garter range of habitat includes streams, lakes, and wet areas in forests.
Do garter snakes go in the water?
The common garter snake is most often found around aquatic habitats, such as ponds, freshwater wetlands and riparian areas. If threatened, they will often flee into the water where they are excellent swimmers. Check for these snakes along wetland edges at Refuge headquarters and along the Center Road.
Where do garter snakes go in the winter?
The species of Garter snake that live in colder climates spend their winters in hibernation. They gather in large groups and hibernate together in hidden dens. These clusters of Garter snakes can number into the hundreds. Garter snakes will travel great distances to hibernate in their particular communal den.
When does a Female garter snake stop eating?
Prior to mating season and hibernation, garter snakes will travel miles to communal den sites. Garter snakes are one of the few serpents that give birth to live young. Prior to the breeding stage, a female snake will stop eating for a period of a few weeks.
How many stripes does a garter snake have?
Garter snakes are not the easiest to identify. They come in a wide variety of colors, but most have three stripes running down their bodies. The color of each individual snake and its stripes depends on its species. Some species have intricate patterns as well as stripes, making each one unique.
What kind of Defense does a garter snake use?
They are typically ground-dwellers, but they may also climb shrubs, vines, or trees to escape predators. Some species of Garter snakes are even proficient swimmers. Whenever a Garter snake feels threatened, they produce a foul-smelling musk. They use this odor to defend themselves against predators.