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How does osteoporosis affect bone integrity?

How does osteoporosis affect bone integrity?

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that develops when bone mineral density and bone mass decreases, or when the quality or structure of bone changes. This can lead to a decrease in bone strength that can increase the risk of fractures (broken bones).

What bones are primarily affected by osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis means that you have less bone mass and strength. The disease often develops without any symptoms or pain, and it is usually not discovered until the weakened bones cause painful fractures. Most of these are fractures of the hip, wrist and spine.

What is osteoporosis and how does it negatively affect the body?

Osteoporosis is the most common type of bone disease. Osteoporosis increases the risk of breaking a bone. About one half of all women over the age of 50 will have a fracture of the hip, wrist, or vertebra (bones of the spine) during their lifetime. Spine fractures are the most common.

How does osteoporosis affect the body?

Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and brittle — so brittle that a fall or even mild stresses such as bending over or coughing can cause a fracture. Osteoporosis-related fractures most commonly occur in the hip, wrist or spine. Bone is living tissue that is constantly being broken down and replaced.

How does osteoporosis affect your life?

Osteoporosis can cause a loss of height due to a broken bone in the spinal column. This means the spine is no longer able to support your body’s weight and causes a hunched posture. This can be painful when it happens, but it can also lead to long-term pain. Your GP or nurse may be able to help with this.

What are the physical effects of osteoporosis?

Why do bones become osteoporotic?

Osteoporosis is a long-term medical condition that causes your bones to become weak, brittle, and more likely to fracture. Osteoporosis occurs when your body absorbs more bone than it makes. It is also caused by a lack of calcium and estrogen (female hormone).

What medications increase bone density?

Medications to Increase Bone Density. There are several medications available by prescription that you can take to increase bone density. A common class of drugs used for this purpose are the biphosphanates. These include the popular drugs risedronate , known as Actonel, and alendronate , known as Fosamax.

What are the stages of osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis has four stages: Stage 1 occurs around age 30 to 35, when the breakdown of bone occurs at the same rate the body builds bone. Stage 2 occurs usually after age 35, when the breakdown of bone happens at a faster pace than the body builds bone. Stage 3 occurs usually after ages 45 to 55.

What are symptoms of low bone density?

Aches and pains in the muscles and joints are an early sign of low bone density.