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How does the weight of a space probe change as it travels from Earth to the moon?

How does the weight of a space probe change as it travels from Earth to the moon?

Mass does not change whether it is measured on Earth or the ISS. Weight can change depending upon the gravitational pull such as on the Moon where weight is reduced to one-sixth that of on Earth.

Does an astronaut’s weight change when in space?

While Astronauts may not weigh anything in space and can float around freely, their body shape and size does not change. They still take up just as much space as they do here on Earth. This is the important difference between mass and weight. This mass does not change when we change planets.

How does the weight of a rocket affect its flight?

With any rocket, and especially with liquid-propellant rockets, weight is an important factor. In general, the heavier the rocket, the more the thrust needed to get it off the ground. Because of the pumps and fuel lines, liquid engines are much heavier than solid engines.

What is the weight of a space probe?

While Messenger weighed more than a ton at launch, more than half of that load was fuel. The spacecraft’s body and scientific instruments weigh about 1,100 pounds (500 kg).

How do astronauts weigh things in space?

In place of a scale, NASA astronauts use something called a Space Linear Acceleration Mass Measurement Device (SLAMMD) to “weigh” themselves. Once they mount the pogo stick-like contraption it moves them a meter using a built-in spring. Measuring weight isn’t the only everyday activity that’s complicated in space.

What happens to the mass and weight of an object that is launched into space?

What happens to the mass and weight of an object that is launched into space, where the pull of gravity is less? The mass decreases while the weight stays constant. Weight is how much matter is within an object. Weight is the amount of gravitational pull on an object.

How does NASA weigh astronauts in space?

In place of a scale, NASA astronauts use something called a Space Linear Acceleration Mass Measurement Device (SLAMMD) to “weigh” themselves. Once they mount the pogo stick-like contraption it moves them a meter using a built-in spring.

What do space probes do in space?

A space probe is an unpiloted, unmanned device sent to explore space and gather scientific information. A space probe is launched from Earth with a set of scientific instruments and tools used to study the atmosphere and composition of space and other planets, moons, or celestial bodies.

How does the weight of the Moon change with altitude?

Roughly speaking, the weight on the Moon is 1/6 of the weight on Earth and the weight on Mars is 1/3 of the weight on Earth. Since the gravitational constant ge depends on the square of the distance from the center of the Earth, the weight of an object decreases with altitude.

Is the weight of the Moon the same as that of Mars?

The mass of the object remains the same on these three bodies, but the weight of the object changes. Roughly speaking, the weight on the Moon is 1/6 of the weight on Earth and the weight on Mars is 1/3 of the weight on Earth.

How much does the Space Shuttle weigh in orbit?

In orbit, the shuttle is about 200 miles above the surface of the Earth. As before, the gravitational constant ratio is the square of (4000/4200) which equals.907. On orbit, the shuttle weighs 250,000 *.907 = 226,757 pounds. Notice: the weight is not zero.

What is the escape velocity of a spacecraft?

A spacecraft leaving the surface of Earth, for example, needs to be going about 11 kilometers (7 miles) per second, or over 40,000 kilometers per hour (25,000 miles per hour), to enter orbit. Achieving escape velocity is one of the biggest challenges facing space travel.