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How far is Long Beach from Phoenix by plane?

How far is Long Beach from Phoenix by plane?

Distance between Phoenix, AZ (PHX) and Long Beach, CA (LGB) Flight distance from Phoenix to Long Beach (Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport – Long Beach Airport) is 355 miles / 571 kilometers / 308 nautical miles. Estimated flight time is 1 hour 10 minutes.

How long is a flight from Arizona to Los Angeles?

The total flight duration from Los Angeles, CA to Arizona is 1 hour, 3 minutes. This is the average in-air flight time (wheels up to wheels down on the runway) based on actual flights taken over the past year, including routes like LAX to PHX.

How long does it take to fly to Long Beach to Arizona?

Travel Advisory

Departing from Long Beach Airport (LGB)
Arriving at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX)
Average flight time 1 hour 19 minutes
Distance 355 miles

How long drive Las Vegas to Phoenix?

about 4 hours and 45 minutes
Depending on which route you’d like to take while driving to Vegas from Phoenix, expect to spend nearly five hours on the road. Without factoring in traffic, driving on the US-93 N is the shortest and more popular drive, with a drivetime of about 4 hours and 45 minutes over the course of 297 miles.

How long is the flight from Phoenix to Australia?

The total flight duration from Phoenix, AZ to Australia is 17 hours, 41 minutes.

How many hours is Phoenix to Japan?

Flying time from Phoenix, AZ to Tokyo, Japan The total flight duration from Phoenix, AZ to Tokyo, Japan is 12 hours, 5 minutes.

Is it cheaper to live in Las Vegas or Phoenix?

Phoenix is 7.1% less expensive than Las Vegas. Phoenix housing costs are 12.4% less expensive than Las Vegas housing costs. Health related expenses are 0.1% less in Phoenix.

How many hours is Arizona to Australia?

The distance between Arizona and Australia is 13606 km. How long does it take to get from Arizona to Australia? It takes approximately 20h 16m to get from Arizona to Australia, including transfers.

How long is a flight from Hawaii to Japan?

8 hours 3 minutes
Average direct flight time is 8 hours 3 minutes. The fastest direct flight from Hawaii to Japan is 8 hours 3 minutes.

How many sunny days does Phoenix have?

300 sunny days
SUNNY AND HOT It’s very sunny around the entire state most of the year. In Phoenix, we see about 300 sunny days. Yuma, in southwest Arizona, is the sunniest city in the state with more than 320 sunny days. Even in Flagstaff, in the mountains, we see about 260 days with sunshine.