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How is sunlight related to latitude?

How is sunlight related to latitude?

The more focused the rays are, the more energy an area receives, and the warmer it is. The lowest latitudes get the most energy from the Sun. The highest latitudes get the least. The difference in solar energy received at different latitudes drives atmospheric circulation.

How does sunlight and latitude affect climate?

Latitude or distance from the equator – Temperatures drop the further an area is from the equator due to the curvature of the earth. In areas closer to the poles, sunlight has a larger area of atmosphere to pass through and the sun is at a lower angle in the sky.

Does climate depend on latitude?

There is a relationship between latitude and temperature around the world, as temperatures are typically warmer approaching the Equator and cooler approaching the Poles. There are variations, though, as other factors such as elevation, ocean currents, and precipitation affect climate patterns.

What determines longitude?

Longitude lines are a numerical way to show/measure how far a location is east or west of a universal vertical line called the Prime Meridian. This Prime Meridian line runs vertically, north and south, right over the British Royal Observatory in Greenwich England, from the North Pole to the South Pole.

What latitude is the sun?

Solstice day arcs as viewed from either pole (90° latitude). At the time of the summer or winter solstices, the Sun is 23.44° degrees above or below the horizon, respectively, irrespective of time of day.

How does the intensity of the sun depend on location?

Again, the intensity will depend on the angle it makes with the sun and so it depends on your location on earth (i.e. latitude). Latitudes around the equator will receive more sunlight because their angle is closer to perpendicular.

Why does the temperature of the Earth vary with latitude?

Thus, not all locations receive the same amount of sunlight heat or insolation (Incoming Solar Radiation). Another reason for the difference in temperatures varying with latitude is the angle of solar incidence. The rays from the sun strike the surface of the earth at different angles.

When does the amount of sunlight decrease with latitude?

On December 21st both decrease with increasing latitude (in the Northern hemisphere), both dropping to zero at the Arctic Circle. On June 21st solar altitude above the horizon decreases with increasing latitude north of the Tropic of Cancer, but length of day increases with increasing latitude.

How many hours of sunlight do we get per day?

The amount of sunlight can be classified in 3 different categories: The default view is to see the number of hours of sunlight received by latitude on the current date, shown by the yellow bars. The sunlight hours range from 0 to 24 hours per day while most latitudes range from 9 to 15 hours.