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How long has sharks lived on earth?

How long has sharks lived on earth?

400 million years
You might be surprised to learn that sharks are older than trees as they’ve been around for at least 400 million years. Sharks have been around truly for a very long time, proving their resilience. They’ve survived all five global mass extinctions that knocked 80% of the planets mega– fauna out of existence.

How many years did sharks live before dinosaurs?

A: Sharks were swimming around in the ancient seas 150 million years before the first dinosaurs rumbled about on land.

Are sharks older than dinosaurs?

In fact, sharks and their relatives were the first vertebrate predators on Earth. Shark fossils date back more than 400 million years – that means sharks managed to outlive the dinosaurs, survive mass extinctions, and continue to serve an important role near the top of underwater food chains.

How far back do sharks go?

Ancient Sharks The earliest shark fossils date back to almost 450 million years. Dinosaurs did not appear until 230 million years ago, meaning sharks have lived about 3 times as long as dinosaurs, and 100 times as long as hominids (human-like animals).

Did Sharks exist before trees?

Fossil index has revealed that it used to exist on Earth about 350 million years ago in a forest in the area where Sahara desert is located at present. Amazingly, the fossil index of sharks has revealed that it was present on even 400 million years ago proving the fact that sharks are older than trees.

What was the first shark on Earth?

In fact the very first sharks to appear on the planet were freshwater sharks. From the earliest known shark the Elegestolepis, that appeared around 450 million years ago, to the unique Xenacanthus , also known as the eel shark, that evolved 202 million years ago, the earliest ancestors of sharks lived in freshwater.

What is the life span of a blue shark?

Blue sharks in the wild have an average lifespan of 15 to 16 years. Blue shark life expectancy decreases to an average of 8 years when held in captivity, likely due to their inability to engage in their pelagic and migratory lifestyle.

What is the ancestor of sharks?

450 million years ago, during the Silurian period , sharks first began developing as a unique species. During that time, the ocean was filled with a variety of bony fish. One of these fish, the Acanthodian, was the very first ancestor of the modern shark.