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How many address lines is 2gb?

How many address lines is 2gb?

Answer is 21. Now 1048576 Byte = 2^20 Byte means for 1MB we need 20 address lines. So 2MB = 2*2^20=4^20=2^21 ; means for 2MB we need 21 address lines.

How many 1KB IC’s are required to build 1mb memory?

Thus new ram would be (1024*8) / (256*1) = 32 . Therefore 32 RAM chips of size 256 k x 1 bit are required to build 1 MB of memory.

How many bits are required to address the bytes in that memory?

Therefore 32 bits are required to uniquely address each 32-bit word. Therefore 34 bits are required to uniquely address each byte.

How many address lines are needed for dynamic RAM?

For example, 16 address lines would be 64k bytes, assuming 8 data lined. For dynamic RAM, you multiply the number of address lines by 2. The formula is: Also, in the past, DRAM chips were 1 bit. A 64k bit DRAM was using 8 address lines. For 1M×16 memory chips, how many address lines and data lines are required?

How many words can a 2 bit address address?

A 1-bit address can address two words (0, 1). A 2-bit address can address four words (00, 01, 10, 11). A 3-bit address can address eight words (000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111). So first answer: How many words do you have? Then answer: How many bits does your address need in order to address them? Share Improve this answer

How many KB of memory does a microprocessor address?

The memory address of last location of an 8 KB memory chip is FFFF H. Find the starting address. 4. A microprocessor is capable of addressing 64 K bytes of memory. Its address bus width is 5. How many address lines are necessary to address 2 MB of memory?

How many memory chips are in a memory system?

1. A memory system has a total of 8 memory chips, each with 12 address lines and 4 data lines. The total size of the memory system is 2. What will be the size of memory address space for a 16 bit data and 20 bit address bus?