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How many gallons do 2 turtles need?
If there are two turtles of the same size going into the same tank, you will want to add at least half as much space for the second turtle. So, if every inch of one turtle needs at least 10 gallons of water, then every inch of the second turtle will need at least five gallons of water per inch of shell.
Is 30 gallons enough for a turtle?
Turtle Necessities A 30-gallon tank is the absolute minimum size for smaller species measuring between 4 and 6 inches. For turtles between 6 and 8 inches, a 55-gallon tank is appropriate. And for turtles measuring more than 8 inches, tanks in the 75- to 125-gallon range are a better choice. Turtles are really messy.
Is a 20 gallon tank big enough for 2 turtles?
Plan on a tank size of 10 gallons of water per inch of the turtle as a general rule of thumb, with a minimum size of a 20-gallon for hatchling red-eared sliders. Keep in mind that red-eared sliders can grow to be 10 to 12 inches as adults, so it’s likely that you’ll eventually need a very large tank.
Can a tortoise live in a 30 gallon tank?
If being kept indoors an adult Russian tortoise will need at least a 30 gallon terrarium. Zoo Med’s Tortoise House™ is an ideal enclosure to house this small species. Zoo Med’s Tortoise Play Pen™ is an excellent way to occasionally offer natural sunlight and grazing opportunities to your tortoise if being kept indoors.
Should turtles be kept in pairs?
In fact, most turtles prefer not having other turtles around. If your only reason for wanting to have two or more turtles is so that your one turtle “won’t be lonely,” don’t worry about that. Pet turtles don’t need company.
How big of a tank do I need for 2 red eared sliders?
Young red eared sliders will do great housed in a 20 gallon aquarium. When the turtle, or turtles if you decide to keep more than one, are full grown then they will most likely require a tank that is a minimum of 50 gallons. Ideally you should provide 10 gallons of water for each inch of shell length for each turtle.
How many gallons do 2 red eared sliders need?
Is 40 gallons enough for a turtle?
You can house a hatchling/juvenile in a 40 gal for awhile, but an adult will eventually need something much larger. My personal bare minimum for smaller terrestrial turtle and tortoise species is 12 square feet, or 6×2 ft floorspace, or 2 square feet for every inch of straight carapace length–whichever is larger.
Can I put a small turtle in my fish tank?
Can turtles go in a fish tank? Yes, they absolutely can. In fact, for the vast majority of turtle owners out there, a fish tank is probably going to be the easiest habitat to place them in.
Is it OK to keep a tortoise in a glass tank?
Tortoises should not live in an aquarium or glass tanks. Aquariums lack proper ventilation and they don’t have enough space for a tortoise to pace and explore. Tortoises find aquariums, or any glass enclosures, very stressful because they can see through and will feel trapped.
Can two red eared slider turtles live together?
Multiple Species As long as the enclosure is large enough, you can house a red-eared slider with other species who share the same housing requirements. But a red-eared slider may outcompete and outgrow the other species. Red-eared sliders are active, large and strong.
How big is a 50 gallon turtle tank?
You can buy a 50 gallon tank that is 19″ wide and has more square footage than a 55 gallon long. To a turtle, that square footage matters. A typical 180 gallon tank may measure about 6 feet long by 2 feet wide and about 25 inches high. If you fill it to the top, you have 180 gallons, most likely you don’t.
What should I do if I have more than one turtle in my tank?
If you have more than one turtle in your tank, you will have to use a larger filter and probably do more frequent water changes. Try to avoid housing multiple male turtles in the same tank. This can be tricky if you get your turtles when they’re juveniles because it’s almost impossible to tell males from females when they’re little.
How big of a tank do you need for a baby turtle?
However, if you have a 10-gallon tank, you can use it temporarily (up to a year) to rear a turtle hatchling. Once the turtle reaches 4 or 5 inches in length, it should be moved to a bigger tank – at least a 40-gallon size or greater!
How big of an aquarium do I need for a mud turtle?
Unfortunately, a 10-gallon tank is simply not big enough for a turtle. In fact, a 40-gallon tank is the smallest an aquarium could be for any turtle, even a hatchling or a small species like the mud turtle. A mud turtle is a tiny aquatic species that rarely grows bigger than 5 inches.