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How many pounds of feed does it take to raise a 30 lb turkey?

How many pounds of feed does it take to raise a 30 lb turkey?

Baby turkeys are called poults and are tan and brown. Turkey eggs are tan with brown specks and are larger than chicken eggs. It takes 75-80 pounds of feed to raise a 30 pound tom turkey.

How much feed does it take to raise a turkey?

Actually, the answer depends on the kind of turkey you raise and how big you want them to get! A broad breasted turkey will eat 64 pounds of feed by 16 weeks and 101 pounds of feed by 20 weeks. A heritage breed turkey will eat 73 pounds of feed by 28 weeks.

How much feed does a turkey need per day?

FEED turkeys daily by broadcasting food at a rate of 2 large handfuls (or 1/2 cup) per turkey per day. To ensure a good distribution of food among flock members, spread it out so that all birds have an opportunity to feed. FEED turkeys until the flock ceases daily visitation or until severe conditions moderate.

How many turkeys can you raise on 1 acre?

5) Give them plenty of room A basic rule of thumb is 10 acres for every 200 turkeys.

How long does it take to raise a turkey to 20 lbs?

How Long Does it Take to Raise a Turkey? If you are raising BB turkeys, they will reach butchering weight faster than a heritage breed. I found that in about 3 1/2 months I had Broad Breasted turkeys that dressed out at around 12-14 pounds. After 4 1/2 to 5 months they dressed out in the 15-19 pound range.

How long does it take to raise a turkey for Thanksgiving?

Most turkey breeds will mature between 14-22 weeks of age, which means you will need to purchase birds early in July to make sure they have enough time to grow. Heritage breeds will take a bit longer, 25-30 weeks, so those birds would need to be purchased in late May or early June.

Can you overfeed turkeys?

OVERFEEDING TURKEYS. feeds. They may have all the bone, greens and cottage cheese they wish to eat, except that if the bone is fresh cut green bone a very little should be fed. If they cannot find bugs it is necessary to supply them with a very little chopped meat when fresh-cut green bone is not to be had.

Do turkeys need to free range?

It’s like free-ranging chickens. The free-ranging can give the birds access to natural vitamins and nutrients they need. But it isn’t enough to sustain them properly. Make sure you give your turkeys grain and grit along with their free ranging.

How hard is it to raise turkeys?

Turkeys are not that hard to raise, but they differ a bit from chickens in terms of what they need, and raising them from poults (baby turkeys) is more time- and energy-intensive than raising chickens from baby chicks.

How long does it take to raise a turkey to 25 lbs?

Butchering, Processing, And Cooking Turkey If you choose to go with a Broad-Breasted Turkey, they should reach butchering weight faster than a heritage breed turkey. With that being said, at 16-22 weeks they should be weighing at around 12-14 pounds. A heritage breed turkey will mature at 25-30 weeks.

How long does it take to grow a 25 pound turkey?

How long do you raise turkeys before butchering?

A heritage breed turkey will mature at 25-30 weeks. So when you have determined they have reached the appropriate weight, you will pull your turkeys out and butcher them. How you choose to butcher them is totally up to you. You will butcher turkeys the same as you do chickens.