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How much of Congress must approve an amendment?

How much of Congress must approve an amendment?

Congress may submit a proposed constitutional amendment to the states, if the proposed amendment language is approved by a two-thirds vote of both houses. Congress must call a convention for proposing amendments upon application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the states (i.e., 34 of 50 states).

How much majority is required to make an amendment in the Constitution?

In the United States, the usual method of amendment requires approval by a two-thirds majority in both legislative chambers and ratification by a three-fourths majority of the states.

How many states needed to approve of the US Constitution for it to officially become ratified?

Nine states
The Founding Fathers now had to get the states to agree to the document and to vote in favor of it. Nine states needed to vote for the Constitution for it to be accepted. Each state was given six months to meet and vote on the proposed Constitution.

How many senators must approve an amendment?

Ratification of amendments After being officially proposed, either by Congress or a national convention of the states, a constitutional amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths (38 out of 50) of the states.

How many states must approve an amendment before it can be added to the Constitution quizlet?

38 states must ratify an amendment before it becomes part of the Constitution.

How many amendments have been added to the Constitution?

27 times
Since 1789 the Constitution has been amended 27 times; of those amendments, the first 10 are collectively known as the Bill of Rights and were certified on December 15, 1791. Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution.

How do you approve an amendment?

The traditional constitutional amendment process is described in Article V of the Constitution. Congress must pass a proposed amendment by a two-thirds majority vote in both the Senate and the House of Representatives and send it to the states for ratification by a vote of the state legislatures.

How many states have agreed to a convention of states?

Today, 28 states – including Colorado – have passed resolutions calling for a convention to discuss a balanced budget amendment. That means if six more states call for a balanced budget amendment, a constitutional convention could be convened.

How many states are needed for a convention of states?

It is a meeting initiated by the state legislatures under Article V of the Constitution for the express purpose of proposing amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Thirty-four state legislatures must pass a resolution applying for a convention of states dealing with the same subject matter.

How many times has the US Constitution been amended?

The Constitution has been amended 27 times, most recently in 1992, although there have been over 11,000 amendments proposed since 1789. Article V of the Constitution provides two ways to propose amendments to the document.

How many states must approve an amendment before it can be added to the Constitution one quarter one half three-fourths five eighths?

Whether amendments are first proposed by the states or Congress, three quarters of the states must ratify (or approve) them before they become a part of the Constitution—the law of the land.

How many states must approve an amendment before it can be added to the Constitution one quarter one half three-fourths five eighths quizlet?

After Congress has approved a proposed amendment to the Constitution, what then must take place before that amendment becomes law? The president must approve it. Three-quarters of the states must approve it.