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How much should a 6 foot 3 inch male weigh?

How much should a 6 foot 3 inch male weigh?

What’s my ideal body weight and BMI?

Male Female
Height Ideal Weight Ideal Weight
6′ 1″ 166 – 202 lbs. 149 – 182 lbs.
6′ 2″ 171 – 209 lbs. 153 – 187 lbs.
6′ 3″ 176 – 216 lbs. 158 – 193 lbs.

How much should a 31 year old male weigh?

The average American man 20 years old and up weighs 197.9 pounds ….What’s the Average Weight for Men?

Age group (Years) Average weight (Pounds)
20–39 196.9
40–59 200.9
60 and older 194.7

How much should a 6 foot 2 man weigh?

According to the body mass index, the ideal weight range for a man who is 6-feet-2-inches-tall is 145 to 194 pounds. This would put him in the healthy BMI range of 18.5 to 24.9. At 144 pounds or less his BMI would classify him as underweight. At 195 pounds or higher, his BMI would classify him as overweight.

What is obese for 6ft man?

Weight, Obesity, and BMI

Height Normal Weight Range Obese
6 ft, 0 inches 136.4 – 183.9 lbs 220.8 or more
6 ft, 1 inches 140.2 – 189.1 lbs 227.0 or more
6 ft, 2 inches 144.1 – 194.3 lbs 233.2 or more
6 ft, 3 inches 148.0 – 199.6 lbs 239.6 or more

What should a skinny 6 foot man weigh?

You should aim for a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9, whether you’re male or female. At 6 feet — or 72 inches — this means that your ideal weight range is about 140 to 183 pounds.

What should be the weight of a 6 foot man in KG?

Ideal Weight : 61.6 Kgs.

What is the ideal weight for a man?

Ideal Weight Chart

Male Female
5′ 11″ 155 – 189 lbs. 140 – 171 lbs.
6′ 0″ 160 – 196 lbs. 144 – 176 lbs.
6′ 1″ 166 – 202 lbs. 149 – 182 lbs.
6′ 2″ 171 – 209 lbs. 153 – 187 lbs.

What is the average height for a man?

1.7 m
1.6 m

In 2017, the average male in the United States measured 69 inches (5 feet 9 inches). Around a century ago, the average height in the U.S. was 67 inches (5′ 7″). Although this marks a growth of more than 2 inches, the rate at which people in the U.S. are growing has slowed compared with other nations.

How many stones should a 6ft 3 man weigh?

Weight and height guide chart

Height Weight
6ft 1″ (73″) 144 to 182 lbs. 189 to 219 lbs.
6ft 2″ (74″) 148 to 186 lbs. 194 to 225 lbs.
6ft 3″ (75″) 152 to 192 lbs. 200 to 232 lbs.
6ft 4″ (76″) 156 to 197 lbs. 205 to 238 lbs.

How much should a 6 foot tall 30 year old male weigh?

Your Healthy Weight You should aim for a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9, whether you’re male or female. At 6 feet — or 72 inches — this means that your ideal weight range is about 140 to 183 pounds.

What should be the weight for 6.3 height?

Adults Weight to Height Ratio Chart
Height Female Male
6′ 3″ (191 cm) 158/193 lb (71.6/87.5 kg) 176/216 lb (79.8/98 kg)
6′ 4″ (193 cm) 162/198 lb (73.5/89.8 kg) 182/222 lb (82.5/100.6 kg)
6′ 5″ (195 cm) 167/204 lb (75.7/92.5 kg) 187/229 lb (84.8/103.8 kg)

Is 200 pounds considered obese?

Normal or healthy weight is indicated by a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9, overweight is between 25 and 29.9, and obese is 30 and above. For the majority of people who are less than 6 feet 4 inches tall, weighing more than 200 lbs would place them in the “overweight” or “obese” category, according to BMI calculations.