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How old is Edward Cullen in Twilight?

How old is Edward Cullen in Twilight?

Edward Cullen (born Edward Anthony Masen) is Bella’s primary love interest. As stated in the first and second novels, he was born on June 20, 1901, in Chicago, Illinois, and was frozen in his 17-year-old body while dying of the Spanish influenza, when he was changed into a vampire by Dr. Carlisle Cullen.

How old are Cullens?


Name Full Name Perpetual Age
Carlisle Cullen Carlisle Cullen 23
Edward Cullen Edward Anthony Masen Cullen 17
Esme Cullen Esme Anne Platt Evenson Cullen 26
Rosalie Hale Rosalie Lillian Hale 18

Is Edward older than Rosalie?

When it comes to the Cullen children, there are a variety of ages in the group, and while Edward has been a vampire for much longer than Rosalie has, she is technically the older human. When Edward was turned following his fight with Spanish Influenza, he was only 17 years old.

Who is the actor who plays Edward Cullen?

He is portrayed by Robert Pattinson in the movie adaptations. Edward Anthony Masen was born on June 20, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois; the only child of Edward and Elizabeth Masen.

How old is Edward Cullen when he meets Bella?

In Twilight, Edward meets Bella Swan, a 17-year-old outcast whose thoughts he is unable to read, and whose blood smells overwhelmingly sweet to him. Edward builds a growing attraction to Bella, but after saving her life on several occasions, he succumbs and eventually falls in love with her.

Who are the Cullens in the Twilight Saga?

Edward is the adoptive son of Carlisle and Esme Cullen, as well as the son-in-law of Charlie Swan and Renée Dwyer. He is the adoptive brother of Emmett and Alice Cullen, and Rosalie and Jasper Hale. After nearly dying from the Spanish influenza in 1918 in Chicago, Edward was turned into a vampire by Carlisle, as the only alternative to death.

How old was Edward Cullen when he became a vampire?

Edward admits to Bella that he is a vampire, and that although he retains the physical body of a seventeen-year-old, he was actually born on June 20, 1901. His adoptive father, Carlisle Cullen, transformed him into a vampire in 1918 to prevent him from dying in the Spanish influenza epidemic in Chicago,…