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How the French say goodnight?

How the French say goodnight?

bonne nuit
If you translated ‘good night’ literally in French you’d get “bonne nuit“. Pronounce it like [bun nwee]. Before leaving someone who is going to bed, the French usually say : “bonne nuit“: have a good night’s sleep. We may add “fais/faites de beaux rêves“: sweet dreams!

What does slept like a baby mean?

to sleep very well
Definition of sleep like a baby/log informal. : to sleep very well.

Is sleep like a baby a simile?

(simile) To sleep very well, especially peacefully.

Where did the saying sleep like a baby come from?

After Bob Dole was defeated in the presidential campaign of 1996, he famously said, “I slept like a baby. I woke up every three hours and cried.” While babies don’t sleep deeply, they do sleep peacefully and untroubled, something we all wish for.

How do you sleep like a baby?

7 Tricks to Help You Sleep Like a Baby

  1. Create a routine. Doing the same thing night after night really helps get your body ready for sleep.
  2. Say “yes” to sunshine.
  3. Exercise earlier.
  4. Watch what you eat.
  5. Prepare a bath.
  6. Put your feet up.
  7. Consider taking melatonin.

What is the idiom of sleep like a log?

Sleep very soundly, as in I slept like a log, or She said she slept like a top. Both of these similes transfer the immobility of an object to that of a person who is sound asleep (since a top spinning quickly looks immobile).

What is Bonne nuit?

bonne nuit in American English (bɔn ˈnwi ) French. good night.

What are the French words for go to sleep?

French words for go to sleep include aller dormir, aller se coucher, faire un petit sommeil, s’endormir, va dormir and aller à dodo. Find more French words at!

What does it mean to sleep on both ears in French?

In a similar context, you can also say “ dormir comme un bébé” (“to sleep like a baby”), or, as the funny expression goes, “ dormir sur ses deux oreilles ” (“to sleep on both ears”), meaning “ dormir tranquille “, namely to rest easy, to sleep without any worries whatsoever.

What does it mean to go to bed in French?

To go to bed in French is called aller au lit. You can also say: “Je vais dormir” (“I’m going to sleep”) or “Je vais me coucher.” In French Slang ( l’argot ), you can hear some people use the word “ roupiller ” (“to snooze”), “ pieuter “, or the expression “ aller au pieu ” (“ pieu ” being a slang word for bed.)

Which is the correct way to say good night in French?

This literally means “good night” and is used whenever someone intends to retire for the evening or go to sleep for the night. Bonne means “good.” Nuit means “night.” Pronounce the phrase as bohn NWEE. Greet someone at night with Bonsoir!