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How would you describe the sound of a snowflake?

How would you describe the sound of a snowflake?

Also, like Rice Crispies: snap, crackle, pop. “…the sound of the snow as it settles on the ground.”

Why does snow make a sound?

Much about snow formation is known science, but that last part—the squeak—is little studied and less understood. Snow forms when supercooled water droplets collide with specks of dust suspended in the air and freeze. They make the best snowballs, but stepping on this denser snow usually creates a crumpling sound.

How would you describe the sound of footsteps in the snow?

Re: describe walking in snow It’s usually called crunching.

What’s the onomatopoeia for snow?

The onomatopoeia SHIN-SHIN is often used for heavier snow.

How do you describe snow?


  • slushy.
  • crunchy.
  • powder.
  • crystalline.
  • picturesque.
  • heavy.
  • obscuring.
  • whiteout.

Does snowfall make sound?

Snowflakes do just that! As snow begins to melt and change shape, sounds change yet again. In fact, as snow turns into ice, it can actually make sounds louder because it will reflect sound waves instead of absorbing them.

Does snow have sound?

As the snow compresses, the ice grains rub against each other. This creates friction or resistance; the lower the temperature, the greater the friction between the grains of ice. The sudden squashing of the snow at lower temperatures produces the familiar creaking or crunching sound.

What is walking in the snow called?

Think of snowshoeing as an extension to hiking. In simple terms, it involves walking over snow with the assistance of snowshoes, a type of outer footwear that features a wide frame to distribute the weight of the person over a larger area.

What is an idiom for snow?

(as) white as the driven snow. be (as) pure as the driven snow. be (as) white as snow. be snowed out. be snowed under.

What is a metaphor for snow?

Snow metaphors, similes, analogies and idioms can be used to create an image in the mind of your reader, such as: Snow is a blanket on the landscape. Snow is dancing as it falls. The landscape was pillows of snow.

Why is it silent when snowing?

That’s because snow absorbs sound, so when a fresh blanket of snow covers the landscape it absorbs many of the sound waves, making it seem quieter outside, according to AccuWeather. Those spaces absorb sound waves, creating a quieting effect over a blanket of snow.