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In which container of water will the dye scatter the faster?

In which container of water will the dye scatter the faster?

In hot water, the food coloring diffuses (spreads out) through the water quickly. In cold water, the food coloring diffuses (spreads out) through the water slowly. The hot water causes the food coloring to diffuse faster. At higher temperatures, particles move faster.

How is the temperature related to the speed of the particles?

With an increase in temperature, the particles gain kinetic energy and move faster. The actual average speed of the particles depends on their mass as well as the temperature – heavier particles move more slowly than lighter ones at the same temperature.

How do you compare the movement of particles in hot water and cold water?

Point out to students that molecules of hot water are moving faster and are slightly further apart. The molecules of cold water are moving slower and are a little closer together.

How is temperature related to the kinetic energy of particles Brainly?

Temperature is a measurement of the average kinetic energy of the molecules in an object or a system. As a subtance absorbs heat the particles move faster so the average kinetic energy and therefore the temperature increases.

Why does the ice inside the container melt after some time?

The ice cube which was solid has turned into the liquid water because the air temperature is warmer than the freezers. Which means the ice particles gather heat energy from the warmer air. Therefore the ice particles have enough energy to break apart (melt)into smaller particle arrangements.

What happen when you mix a milk or chocolate powder to a cold water?

In the cold water, the molecules aren’t moving as fast so that the cocoa powder isn’t breaking up and you are left with undissolved lumps. If you stir it for a long time, it will eventually dissolve, but who likes cold water cocoa!

Which glasses of water has higher amount of internal energy Why?

There is greater internal energy in the full glass (twice the matter at the same temperature). More heat will be required to increase the temperature of the full glass by 1 Celcius degree, twice as much, in fact.

How is temperature related to speed of particles and kinetic energy?

The molecules in a substance have a range of kinetic energies because they don’t all move at the same speed. As a subtance absorbs heat the particles move faster so the average kinetic energy and therefore the temperature increases.

What kind of energy is present when the speed of moving particles increases in a Subtance?

kinetic energy
Particles are objects in motion, so they have kinetic energy. The faster a particle moves, the more kinetic energy it has. Kinetic energy is related to heat. The faster the particles in a substance move, the hotter it is.

Which is state of matter are the particles moving the fastest?

The particles of a solid are [generally] closest together while those of a gas are farthest apart. Similarly, it is asked, do particles move faster in a solid liquid or gas? The atoms and molecules in gases are much more spread out than in solids or liquids. They vibrate and move freely at high speeds.

Why do liquid particles move faster than solid particles?

Liquids get diffused quicker as compared to solids because they have more spaces between the particles(molecules) than that of solids. So they can spread and move easily in thier medium. Or you may say that the intermolecular forces of attraction are less in a liquid.

Which is faster to move gas or liquid?

molecules move faster than liquids in this state: gas: molecules move the slowest in this state: solid: molecules move around each other in this state: liquid