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Is composite volcano explosive eruptions?

Is composite volcano explosive eruptions?

Composite volcanoes are tall, steep cones that produce explosive eruptions.

What is the eruption type of a composite volcano?

Composite volcanoes: steep slopes; thick, sticky lava; lava does not flow quickly or far; erupt violently. Shield volcanoes: gentle slopes; runny lava; lava flows quickly; lava may flow far; erupt less violently.

How does a composite volcano erupt?

Composite cone volcanoes are also called stratovolcanoes. They form when different types of eruptions deposit different materials around the sides of a volcano. Alternating eruptions of volcanic ash and lava cause layers to form. Over time these layers build up.

What type of volcano has a explosive eruption?

Composite volcanoes are some of the most dangerous volcanoes on the planet. They tend to occur along oceanic-to-oceanic or oceanic-to-continental boundaries because of subduction zones. They tend to be made of felsic to intermediate rock and the viscosity of the lava means that eruptions tend to be explosive.

What determines if an eruption will be quiet or explosive?

The amount of water vapor and other gases present is one factor that determines whether a volcanic eruption will be quiet or explosive.

What volcano has a quiet eruption?

shield volcano
A quiet eruption of low-viscosity lava produces a wide, flat volcano called a shield volcano. If an eruption is entirely ash and cinders, the result will be a small, steep-sided volcano called a cinder cone.

Why are composite volcanoes more explosive than regular volcanoes?

Composite volcanoes can erupt very explosively. That is because of the viscous magma. When the lava flows up to the Earth’s crust, it doesn’t get too far and ends up clogging the pipe. This makes the gases to be trapped within the volcano. The trapping of gases causes pressure to build up.

Which is the most explosive type of volcano?

Composite volcanoes, also known as stratovolcanoes, are a lot more explosive than other volcanoes. Stratovolcanoes are one of the most dangerous types of volcanoes.

Why does a composite volcano form a caldera?

Because they are built of layers of viscous material, rather than fluid lava, composite volcanoes tend to form tall peaks rather than rounded cones. Sometimes the summit crater collapses to form a caldera. Composite volcanoes are responsible for the most catastrophic eruptions in history.

What kind of magma is in a composite volcano?

The volcanoes form steep cones, rather than rounded shapes, because the magma is viscous. Composite volcano magma is felsic, which means it contains silicate-rich minerals rhyolite, andesite, and dacite. Low-viscosity lava from a shield volcano, such as might be found in Hawaii, flows from fissures and spreads.