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Is Fox a French word?

Is Fox a French word?

fox → roublard, retors, renard, goupil.

What is French Fox?

renard. More French words for fox. le renard noun. fox.

Is Fox in French masculine or feminine?

Ex3 : masculine noun « renard » (= fox) : a. Un renard sort du bois.

Are there fox in France?

Foxes are widespread in France, but only seen infrequently, being generally afraid of contact with humans. About the size of a small dog, foxes are rarely mistaken for any other animal – their red-orange colouring and white underside, pointed nose and bushy tail are very easily identifiable.

How do you say Fox in different languages?

In other languages fox

  • American English: fox /ˈfɒks/
  • Arabic: ثَعْلَب
  • Brazilian Portuguese: raposa.
  • Chinese: 狐狸
  • Croatian: lisica.
  • Czech: liška.
  • Danish: ræv.
  • Dutch: vos.

How do you write the date in French?

Write The Date In French. Now that you know the days of the week in French and the months of the year, let’s go over how to write the date in French. The formal way of writing the date is day, then date, then month. For example, you would write mardi, 18 avril (Tuesday, 18 April).

Which is the plural form of the word fox?

What is the plural of fox? fox. The plural form of fox is foxes .

What do you need to write a letter in French?

To start writing a letter in French, you need the proper salutation and the correct title of the person you are writing to. Salutations for French Personal Letters. For personal correspondence, you can choose between the following scenarios and salutations. If you know the person, you can use the following:

What’s the correct way to end a letter in French?

Just like the salutations, you will also need to use the correct closing at the end of your letter. For personal letters to acquaintances or friends that still require a level of formality, you may end it using the following French email closings: Je vous envoie mes amicales pensées. Recevez, je vous prie, mes meilleures amitiés. Yours sincerely.